インターネット調査室: 「Russia's relationship with U.S. at its 'lowest historical point,' Kremlin says」

今回は「Russia's relationship with U.S. at its 'lowest historical point,' Kremlin says」についてコメントさせていただきます。

Yahoo !News: 21 Jan,2023

「Russia's relationship with U.S. at its 'lowest historical point,' Kremlin says」: だそうです。

Speaking to reporters, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said : …follow months of what has come to be a total breakdown in relations between the two powers.


都合が悪くなると「友好国」だった、とか言うのは日本の周りの国では普通ですね。そのくせ、調子がいいと敵対行為をしてくるんですよね~ ロシアも同じです。 

This, according to reports, meant the U.S. would be going against its agreement with Russia in 1991 that NATO would not expand past East Germany. This part of the agreement has been hotly contested, as there had been no legal binding between the two nations that would prohibit countries in Eastern Europe from joining the military alliance.

これも多少はあるかも知れませんが現実はロシアを闊歩するルサンチマン(仏: ressentiment)のせいでは?

the U.S. would be providing Ukraine with billions of dollars in military aid and assistance. With Russia’s recent onslaught of airstrikes on Ukraine, the U.S. and other allies have announced plans to provide the beleaguered nation’s military with more weapons.


“We see a growing indirect and sometimes direct involvement of NATO countries in this conflict,” he said. “We see a devotion to the dramatic delusion that Ukraine can succeed on the battlefield. 


His remarks came as Western defense ministers gathered at an air base in Germany to discuss supplying further military assistance to Ukraine.



検索キー: Russia's relationship with U.S. at its 'lowest historical point,' Kremlin says
