
September 22, 2021:NHK 「100分 de 名著」(2)(NHK TV Program “100 Minutes de Classic”(2))

 In the program aired on September 20, 2021, the members discussed “The Crowd: Study of the popular mind” by Gustave Le Bon again as follows:
- When a leader makes and repeats an affirmation to crowds, the affirmation infects and persuade crowds to believe it.
- Once an affirmation infects the crowds, as done by Hitler in Germany, it is accepted by and incite them without any doubt.
- Current popular social networking services (SNS) that deliver short messages could be a tool to incite people and have the power like affirmations. They also may change people’s way of thinking.
 I tend to prefer more succinct and affirmative messages and in particular, to expect concise and clear messages at meetings. I must take care not to be incited.



