

After studying at state library, I went to Art gallery to see the exhibition “Has the day Invaded the Night or Has the Night Invaded the Day?”. This exhibition focuses to Louise Bourgeois who is France/USA artist.

I like the caption at the entrance of this exhibition.
“Night and day. Two times, two states, two conditions in opposition. But bound together, impossible to separate, each unthinkable without the other.”

The key which we understand her artworks is Opposite concepts.
Love and Rage, One and Others, conscious and unconscious, Lairs and Labyrinths, order and chaos, trust and abandonment, I love you / Do you love me, Clouds and Caverns, I undo / I redo, Controlling of Chaos.

This concepts were always existed in her mind.

In Japan, we attempt to avoid for thinking with Yes or No. That means we always talk on the borders. Sometimes we can’t produce anything at there. On the other hand, in western countries, we have to talk and think with Yes or No. if someone have an opinion that opposite to my opinion, I can hear the reason “Why I said No”. In this case I can earn some perspectives that are newly for me.
Which is better when we think or do something?
