
Keep hydrated

I took the lesson with teacher I today, and the topic was how important to keep hydrated for us.
On the other hand, she told me that if she drinks too much water, she vomits, and so do I.
For this reason, I only drink water when I take medicines, and in other situations, I drink green tea, so I drink five or six cups of green tea daily.

She told me she likes Lipton, and I like Lipton too, and then I asked her if the packages were yellow.
She told me yellow and green, but I wasn't familiar with the green ones, so she shared pictures of them with me, and I was surprised we could buy them here in Japan.
I didn't know that!
I was curious about that, and I'll buy them someday.

Talk about green tea; they have antioxidants.
These are also effective.
I advised the teacher that if she has a sore throat, gargle with green tea, and she told me, in that case, to gargle with warm water and salt and then take some ginger.

In my case, I gargle with green tea and lick one teaspoon of manuka honey made in NZ.
So they have antioxidants like green tea that are effective for several symptoms, including sore throat, stomachache, diarrhea, gash, and so on. That's why every family has their home as household medicine in NZ.

She was worried if she drank too much green tea, she won't be able to sleep at night.
I suggested she drinks non-caffeine "rooibos tea."
Although she told me she goes to "MINISO" to look for rooibos tea on her next rest day, I wasn't familiar with MINISO.
She thought that it was from Japan.
I found MINISO copied from DAISO.

I know many wrong ways of using grammar, vocabulary, and expressions in this blog, but I can only construct a better one today.
I need help with writing.
