
【カリブの海賊】キャプテン ジャック・スパロウのセリフ[和訳]【東京ディズニーランド】


A pirates life for me

A toast to piracy and its many shiny rewards.
As a career what to be more rewording?

Drink up me hearties yo-ho

I humbly accept this magnificent treasure
as my reward for a life of villainy, larceny, skullduggery, and persnickety.

Drink up me hearties yo-ho

A Pirates life for me

I raise a toast to honor my many shipmates lost at sea.
Salute, mes amis.

Drink up me hearties yo-ho

Rascals and scoundrels, villains and knaves.

Drink up me hearties yo-ho

We're devils and black sheep, really bad eggs.

Drink up me hearties yo-ho

Drink up lads! There's treasure enough for all.

I shall take this paltry sum as a stipend to cover my expenses, and a chest of jewels.

Drink up me hearties yo-ho

A pirates life for me

It is true. I'm a pirate. A bloody good one. That is a bad one.

Drink up me hearties yo-ho

Rather fool is someone leaving so much gold just lying about hidden away.

Some miscreant might be tempted to steal this right?

Maraud and embezzle and even high-jack!

Drink up me hearties yo-ho!

Ah, my feathery friend you have a divine singing voice.

Do help yourself to a drink? A small one.

Drink up me hearties yo-ho!

Yes, it is fine treasure indeed.

Is that not true?
My chromatic winged beast.
