小さな語りシリーズ2024/04/29  Small Story Series

2024/04/29「鶯」"Japanese nightingale"





Outside my window, a small bird was chirping. Its voice, echoing with a pleasant rhythm, seemed to herald the change of seasons. I picked up an old book, leaning deeply into my chair, the room serene with the scent of tea filling the air. Wrapped in a warm cardigan, I paused to take a breath, feeling slightly cold.

Signs of spring were evident in the flowers placed by the window, growing a bit each day, bringing new life into this quiet room. Pausing my reading, I listened to the song of the bush warbler outside, vividly bringing back memories of a day almost forgotten.

Time seemed to stand still. The warbler's song reminded me of my distant homeland, with old friends, warm sunlight, and familiar landscapes. It felt like a journey beyond time, enveloping me in a comforting warmth.

With each page turned, the warbler's song seemed to announce the arrival of spring. Grateful for its voice, I deeply enjoyed this peaceful day in my little room.
