小さな語りシリーズ2024/05/05  Small Story Series

2024/05/05「口癖」"Favorite phrase"




The room was quietly bathed in morning light. A steaming cup of coffee sat on the kitchen table, next to an open book from yesterday. Sounds of the waking world drifted in from afar as I stood by the window, recalling the conversation I had with a friend last evening.

Her catchphrase, "It'll be okay, we'll make it through," laughed out in the midst of our talk, lingered in my mind. As the small kitchen clock ticked softly, her words echoed in my heart repeatedly. Her voice was cheerful, each word always providing me with a sense of comfort.

The curtains gently swayed with the breeze, bringing fresh air into the room. I took a deep breath, savoring the smell of coffee, and internalized her words once more. With that sentiment in my heart, a new day began. Believing that, like her catchphrase, whatever challenges we face, we'll somehow make it through.
