小さな語りシリーズ2024/05/04  Small Story Series

2024/05/04「筋トレ」"Muscle training"






Morning light quietly filled the room through the curtains, signaling the start of a new day. Awakening with a desire to start something fresh, I decided to incorporate "workout" into my morning routine—a new challenge for my usual mornings.

After breakfast, I cleared a space in the living room, laying down a mat where the sofa usually stood, transforming it into my little gym. I started with weightlifting, followed by light stretching, the awakening of my muscles seemed to tighten my spirit as well.

Outside the window, the morning light grew stronger, and I could feel the sunrise. This light spread gradually into the room, setting a rhythm to my movements. Each exercise provided a small sense of accomplishment within my daily life.

After finishing my workout and taking a shower, my body felt refreshed and my spirits uplifted. I brewed a cup of coffee, now taking the time to slowly savor its aroma and taste. This quiet moment after exercising became one of the most pleasant parts of my day.

This new morning routine felt immensely more fulfilling. Moving my body not only activated my mind but also surged energy throughout the day. Continuing this new habit promises to enrich my days further.
