
Spring 2018 Course3: Resource Allocation in Education -教育における資源配分-

My 3rd course this semester, Resource Allocation in Education!

(前回の教育政策の授業紹介はコチラ↓ Last post on Education Policy course)

1. 教育経済学の権威から学ぶ

こちらもTeachers Collegeでのクラスで、教授はProf. Henry Levin

This class is also offered at Teachers College.
The instructor, Prof. Henry Levin, is one of the most famous professor in economics of education in the U.S. and internationally. Also, he is one of the most famous figure in TC, for he appears in the top among the TC faculty in the interdisciplinary education scholar ranking.


However, he is not only well versed in economics but also in education policy. Therefore, this class actually starts with the fundamental question: what is the aim of education?

2. 授業構成

ということでこちらが恒例のシラバスからの抜粋。Below is the excerpts from the syllabus.

Week 1: What is an Educated Person?
Week 2: Introduction to Educational Production Function
Week 3: Cotroversy Over Resource Allocation - Teacher Value-Added
Week 4: Production Functions and Multiple Regression
Week 5: Elementary-Secondary School Studies
Week 6: Other Methods-Experiments and Quasi-Experiments
Week 7: International Studies and Summary
Week 8: Introduction to Cost-Effectiveness/Cost-Benefit Studies
Week 9: Cost Estimation
Week 10: Cost-Effectiveness Analysis and Studies
Week 11: Benefit-Cost Analysis
Week 12: Benefit-Cost Studies
Week 13: Analysis of Class-Size Reduction
Week 14: Peer Effects & Conditional Cash Transfers

3. Education Production Function(教育生産関数)

大きな流れとしては、まずEducation Production Functionと呼ばれる教育のインプット(例:生徒1人当たりの教育支出、先生の質、教材・・・)が、アウトプット(例:テストスコア、高校卒業率、学歴)にどのような影響を与えるかについて学びます。

ここで重要なことはcontrol variableと呼ばれる、生徒・家庭の人口動態等を関数に組み込むことで結果にバイアスがかかるのをなるべく防ぐことです。

とはいえ、インプットで全てのアウトプットのvariationが説明できる訳ではなく、生まれつきの能力といったようなunobserved differenceによって結果がある程度左右される可能性があります。

これを解消する手段としてsocial scienceの分野で使われるのがRandomized Control Trial (RCT)と呼ばれる政策介入対象をランダムに振り分けて、介入前はあらゆる面で同質なtreatement groupとcomparison groupを作り、その後の結果の差を見て政策の効果を測るというものです。

In the first half of the class, we learned Education Production Function. This theory explains how educational inputs (e.g., per pupil spending, teacher quality, textbook) affect outputs (e.g., testu score, high school graduation rate, educational attainment). An important thing is to reduce biases as much as possibly by putting control variables (e.g., student and family demographics) in the equation.
However, it is impossible to explain all of the variations in the output as there are unobservable difference among people such as innate ability. Moreover, we need to be mindful that some variables are correlated with each other (e.g., schools with a majority of high-income students tend to receive more per pupil spending), which over- or under-estimates our result. In order to deal with these problems, researchers use Randomized Control Trial (RCT), where any difference bet control and treatment group is attributed to the impact of the intervention.

(今週の授業開始前 This week's class, right before starting)

4. Cost-Effectiveness & Cost-Benefit(費用対効果・効用)



Next, we move into Cost-Effective and Cost-Benefit analysis, which ask questions such as "how much money is needed to generate a certain amount of intended effects?" "How much monetary value will a one-dollar investment result in?" Policy documents tend to emphasize only effectiveness (e.g., how much test score has improved as a result of class size reduction), however, it is informative for policymakers etc. to know how cost-effective this intervention is because it requires spending public dollars.



While cost-effectiveness analysis is instrumental in comparing programs with the same purpose (e.g., improve high school grad rate), cost-benefit analysis aims to measure policies across purposes. Researchers are expected to choose which option fits better with their goal. Also there are other analyses such as Cost-Utility and Cost-Feasibility. If you are interested in more details, the textbook that Prof. Levin wrote is highly recommended!

5. おわりに

課題の量自体は中々ありますが、読まなければclass discussionに対応できないかと言われるとそういう訳でもないので生徒個人のコミットメントに任されていると言えそうです。

Five assignments account for most of the grading. Although there is a substantial amount of readings, class discussion does not really require reading all of them, so it's basically up to students. This couse is very helpful to me as I didn't have systematic knowledge in this field.


That's it! Will continue to introduce my classes this semester, so please look forward!!




with アドビ
