
スタンフォード哲学百科事典 反出生主義 和訳 2022年6月1日修正版

この世にはスタンフォード哲学百科事典(Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy=SEP)という哲学者の編集委員会がつくっている哲学のインターネット百科事典があります。

2021年の6月21日に「親子関係と生殖」Parenthood and Procreationの項目が内容の大幅な変更が行われ、反出生主義Anti-natalismのセクションが追加されました。https://plato.stanford.edu/archives/spr2022/entries/parenthood/

以下にParenthood and Procreationのセクション2.4Anti-natalismの翻訳と引用情報を載せています


※以前公開していたものに誤りがあったため修正 2022年6月1日

2.4 Anti-natalism
A further set of objections to the unburdened exercise of procreative autonomy is anti-natalist. 

Anti-natalism is opposition to procreation. 
In its local form anti-natalism applies only to particular people in certain instances.

 In the case where a child would predictably experience a life so miserable as to be not worth living, it may be argued that procreation would be wrongful.

 Whether there are such lives—and if so, what characterizes them—is controversial, but it is not unreasonable to suppose that a life can be so irremediably miserable that it is of no benefit to the individual who endures it. 

Arguably, the lives of those born with Tay-Sachs disease fit this description, and many argue that it is immoral to knowingly bring such children into the world.

 Some authors go much further than this, arguing that procreating is wrong unless the parent has reason to think he or she can provide the child with a good chance of a normal life. 

The general claim is that certain types of individuals have an interest in not being brought into existence on account of the quality of life they would have were they created (McMahon 1998; Roberts 1998). 
一般的な主張は、ある種の個人が彼らが生み出された生活の質のせいで存在がもたらされないことに興味を持っているというものです。 (McMahon 1998; Roberts 1998). 
*ここの訳は怪しいです they would have were they created の意味がうまくとれませんでした
McMahan, Jeff, 1998, “Wrongful Life: Paradoxes in the Morality of Causing People to Exist,” in J. Coleman and C. Morris, (eds.), Rational Commitment and Social Justice, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Roberts, Melinda, 1998, Child Versus Childmaker, Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield.

ARTs allowing post-menopausal women to give birth have prompted objections to post-menopausal motherhood on grounds of child welfare; but such arguments seem to employ double standards (see Cutas 2007). 
に対する差し障りを刺激する。しかし。このような論争はダブルスタンダードを用いているように見える。 (see Cutas 2007). 
*ARTはassisted reproductive technologies(生殖補助医療)を表している。Parenthood and Procreationの概要部分でARTについて書かれている。
prompted の意味があやしい
Cutas, Daniela, 2007, “Postmenopausal Motherhood: Immoral, Illegal? A Case Study,” Bioethics, 21(8): 458–463.

Cassidy holds that prospective parents who believe they will not be sufficiently competent should not procreate (Cassidy 2006).キャシディは十分に適格になれないだろうと信じる将来の親たちは生殖するべきではないと考える。 (Cassidy 2006)
Cassidy, Lisa, 2006, “That Many of Us Should Not Parent,” Hypatia, 21(4): 40–57.

 Relatedly, Benatar argues that autonomy rights cannot permit risking severe harm to children; those who risk transmitting HIV, for instance, cannot assert a right to reproduce (Benatar 2010). 
関連して、ベネターは自主性の権利は子供に対する過酷な害を賭ける機会を与えることはできないと主張する。たとえば、HIVを伝染させる恐れがある人々が生殖の権利を力説するようなこと。(Benatar 2010)
Benatar, David, 2010, “The Limits of Reproductive Freedom,” in Archard and Benatar 2010, pp. 78–102.

Local anti-natalism is also supported by the judgment that wrongful birth, birth which wrongfully imposes undue risk and harm on a resulting child, is possible (Shiffrin 1999).
ローカルアンチナタリズムはまた、不正に過度な危険と害を結果としての子供に課するような悪い誕生のに対する判断によって支えられる(Shiffrin 1999)
Shiffrin, Seana Valentine, 1999, “Wrongful Life, Procreative Responsibility, and the Significance of Harm,” Legal Theory, 5(2): 117–148.

Global anti-natalism opposes procreation in general.

 One global anti-natalist position holds that in all cases procreation is a harm to those brought into being. 

Benatar argues that while existence brings pains as well as pleasures, non-existence is a lack of pains and pleasures.

 While pain is bad, absence of pain and pleasure is not bad, so it is always worse to be than not to be (Benatar 1997, 2006; see also discussion of Shiffrin 1999, below; for responses, see Overall 2012, Benatar and Wasserman 2015). 
痛みは悪いが、痛みと喜びの不在は悪くない。だから在ることは在らないことよりも常に悪い。(Benatar 1997、2006; 以下のShiffrin1999の説明も参照してください。 回答については、Overall 2012年、Benatar と Wasserman2015を参照してください。)
Benatar, David, 1997, “Why it is Better Never to Come into Existence,” American Philosophical Quarterly, 34: 345–55.
–––, 2006, Better Never to Have Been, Oxford: Clarendon.
Shiffrin, Seana Valentine, 1999, “Wrongful Life, Procreative Responsibility, and the Significance of Harm,” Legal Theory, 5(2): 117–148.
Overall, Christine,2012, Why Have Children?: The Ethical Debate, Cambridge, Mass.: The MIT Press.
Benatar, David, and David Wasserman, 2015, Debating Procreation: Is It Wrong to Reproduce?, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Other global anti-natalist positions focus on harms or costs to others.

 An environmentalist anti-natalism argues that procreation is wrong for the same reasons overconsumption is (Young 2001, MacIver 2015).
Young, Thomas, 2001, “Overconsumption and Procreation: Are they Morally Equivalent?,” Journal of Applied Philosophy, 18(2): 183–192.
MacIver, Corey, 2015, “Procreation or Appropriation?,” in Hannan, Brennan, and Vernon 2015, pp. 107–128.
 An opportunity-cost anti-natalism argues that the money spent on rearing a child would be better spent on ameliorating the lives of those already existing (Rachels 2014).

機会費用のアンチナタリズムは、子どもを育てるのにお金を使うよりも既に存在している人々の生活を改善するのにお金を使う方がいいと主張する。 (Rachels 2014)
Rachels, Stuart, 2014, “The Immorality of Having Children,” Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, 17(3): 567–582.

 And a misanthropic anti-natalism argues that humans cause so much harm – to other humans, non-human animals, and the environment – that there is a duty not to procreate (Benatar 2015). 
そして、人間嫌いのアンチナタリズムは、人間たちは他の人間たちと人間ではない動物と環境にとってとてもたくさんの害を引き起こすし、生殖をしないことは義務であると主張する。(Benatar 2015)
Benatar, David,2015, “The Misanthropic Argument for Anti-natalism,” in Hannan, Brennan, and Vernon 2015, pp. 34–64.

Others have argued that the availability of children needing homes creates strong moral reasons to adopt rather than to procreate (Friedrich 2013, Rulli 2014). 
他の人たちは、家を必要としている子供を得られる可能性は、生殖をすることよりも養子を迎えることの強い道徳的理由を作り出すと主張していた。 (Friedrich 2013, Rulli 2014)
Friedrich, Daniel, 2013, “A Duty to Adopt?,” Journal of Applied Philosophy, 30(1): 25–39.
Rulli, Tina, 2014, “The Unique Value of Adoption,” in Baylis and McLeod 2014, pp. 109–130.

There are also intermediate positions. For example, Sarah Conly argues that the interests that ground a right to procreate can be satisfied with only one child and so it may be permissible to restrict the number of children an individual creates when costs to third parties from overpopulation are substantial (Conly 2005, 2016; see also Statman 2005).
また中間の立場もある。例えば、サラ・コンリーは1人の子供で生殖する権利の基礎となる関心を満足させることができるから、第三者に負担をかける人口過剰が実在する時には個人が作る子どもの数を制限することは許容されるだろうと主張している。 (Conly 2005, 2016; Statman 2005も見てください)
Conly, Sarah, 2005, “The right to procreation: Merits and limits,” American Philosophical Quarterly, 42(2): 105–115.
–––, 2016, One Child: Do We Have a Right to More?, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Statman, Daniel, 2005, “The Right to Parenthood.” Ethical Perspectives, 10(3): 224–235.

Note that anti-natalists do not always defend legal restrictions, because interfering with procreation may involve intolerably illiberal coercion of the person.

 Even those who do think that there are circumstances in which interference with procreation can be justified accept that there are important countervailing values.

 For example, Benatar notes that the moral costs of forced abortion or sterilization are “immense,” but thinks that the moral costs of moderate coercion or directive counseling should be weighed against the moral costs of harm to future children (Benatar 2010; see also the discussion of parental licensing in Section 5.2 below).
例えば、ベネターは妊娠中絶や避妊手術を強制する道徳的費用は「計り知れない」と特に言及する。しかしベネターは穏やかな支配や指導の道徳的費用は、未来の子供を害する道徳的費用と比較検討されるべきだと考えている。 (Benatar 2010; 以下のセクション5.2の親ライセンスの説明も参照してください)
Belshaw, Christopher,2010, “The Limits of Reproductive Freedom,” in Archard and Benatar 2010, pp. 78–102.

One response to anti-natalist views is to provide a justification for the decision to procreate. 

Some authors, agreeing that procreation requires a justification and that many common reasons for procreating carry no moral weight, locate a possible justification in the unique nature of the parent-child relationship, the desire for pregnancy, or the desire to pass on valuable family traits (Overall 2012, Rulli 2016, Brake 2015, Ferracioli 2018; on whether one can make a rational decision to have a child, see Paul 2015 and Krishnamurthy 2015).
いくらかの著者は、生殖は正当化の理由を必要とし、そして多くの一般的な生殖するための理由は道徳的な重みがないことに賛成しており、親子関係の唯一無二の特質の中や妊娠願望の中や価値ある家族の特質を次へ回す願望の中に納得できそうな正当化の理由を示す。 (Overall 2012, Rulli 2016, Brake 2015, Ferracioli 2018;子供を産むという合理的な決定を下せるかどうかについては、 Paul 2015 と Krishnamurthy 2015を参照してください。)
Overall, Christine,2012, Why Have Children?: The Ethical Debate, Cambridge, Mass.: The MIT Press.
Rulli, Tina,2016, “Preferring a Genetically-Related Child,” Journal of Moral Philosophy, 13(6): 669–698, doi: 10.1163/17455243-4681062
Brake, Elizabeth,2015, “Creation Theory: Do Genetic Ties Matter?,” in Hannan, Brennan, and Vernon 2015, pp. 129–149.
Ferracioli, Luara, 2018, “Procreative-Parenting, Love’s Reasons and the Demands of Morality,” Philosophical Quarterly, 68(270): 77–97.
Paul, Laurie, 2015, “What You Can’t Expect When You’re Expecting,” Res Philosophica, 92(2). doi:10.11612/resphil.2015.92.2.1
Krishnamurthy, Meena, 2015, “We Can Make Rational Decisions to Have a Child: On the Grounds for Rejecting L.A. Paul’s Arguments,” in Hannan, Brennan, and Vernon 2015, pp. 170–183.



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author = {Brake, Elizabeth and Millum, Joseph},
title = {{Parenthood and Procreation}},
booktitle = {The {Stanford} Encyclopedia of Philosophy},
editor = {Edward N. Zalta}, howpublished = {\url{https://plato.stanford.edu/archives/spr2022/entries/parenthood/}},
year = {2022},
edition = {{S}pring 2022},
publisher = {Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University} }

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