
Keep your eyes open【お客さんとの会話@スタバ】



彼「Hi my favs are here today! (自分ともう一人のパートナー), How have you been? Merry Christmas! Happy New Year!  What's new?」

わい「Hiiii What's up? Nothing much, just work here every day haha. How have you been? It's been a while to see you.」

彼「It's been busy because of my work and study you know, and yeah it's been a while because I tried to save up money and cared about my diet haha」


わい「I need to take an English exam for graduate schools, but I've been too lazy to study English tbh.」

彼「What are you gonna study for?」

わい「Kin, I studied Kin back in Japan, and am going to apply some schools here.」

彼「That's cool. I have some coworkers who studied Kin for their undergrad and masters. I heard it helped them to get their jobs related to the insurance company. You might have the chance to get not only trainer jobs but also that kind of job. So don't forget to keep your eyes open for that, okay?」

わい「oh yeah, thank you! and here is your drink, caramel frappe, have a good afternoon man!」

彼「Thank you, you too!」

常連さんに"keep your eyes open"っていう感じで将来のアドバイスをもらうなんて思ってもなかったです。


#日記 #ブログ #人生 #留学 #カナダ #ワーホリ #海外 #海外生活 #トロント #英語 #スタバ
