
Top 3 interesting HR figures in Recruitment Pitches


Thank you for reading 🌸
I work as a HR member at a startup company with about 100 employees.
My goal is to assist people who would like to expand their business in society.
For this goal, I'd like to provide useful information in this Note :)

What is a recruitment pitch ?

A recruitment pitch is a document used to explain a company to job applicants.
While a company brochure provides an company's overview for the general public and investors, a recruitment pitch is aimed at applicants who would like to apply to the company.

Therefore,  the pitch includes information to tell the image of working at the company, such as the  company's atmosphere, composition of its employees and interviews.

What are the benefits of a recruitment pitch ?

Having a well-written recruitment pitch will help you conduct interviews and contact recruitment agencies more efficiently.

The pitch allows applicants to learn more about the company, and  you can explain the company with using images and photos easily.
Therefore, it's easier for applicants to imagine how to work at the company.

what's the content ?

A recruitment pitch can be broadly divided into two parts: an explanation of the company's business and an explanation of the working style.

The business explanation section includes information such as the availability of working from home and flexible working systems and other benefits, 
the number of employees, the ratio for each department, and the ratio foreach age group are listed.

Top 3 interesting HR numbers

1.Rural residence rate of employees
Nowadays, there are many job openings that say 'Work from home: OK' or 'Full Remote work: OK'.

I believe that these job postings will attract many applicants.

However, I often receive these questions:
'How often will I be able to work from home if I join your company ? ' or 'Even If I got a full remote job offer, how often should I go to the main office ?'
Therefore, if you can show the local residence rate, applicants from local area will feel confident to apply to your company.

2.Trends in average salary and salary increases
Since the job posting states the annual salary immediately after joining the company, it is not possible for applicants to predict their annual salary several years later.

If they can see the trends in average salary, they can image how their salary will change, which is very important information when thinking about their own lifestyle.
So, if they're worried that their offer is not good enough, checking the change in salary may put their mind at ease about accecpting the offer.

3. Percentage of people raising children
many companies are starting to put effort into children leave.
Some companies are disclosing the rate of childcare leave.

if you have children, you may be worried that you will put a burden on other employees, but looking at the percentage may reduce the concerns.


Recruitment pitches provide a lot of information and allow you to understand the company's unique strengths and vision.
Also, photos and graphs will make it easier to imagine how we work.
I hope that communication between companies and applicants will improve better !

Thank you for reading to the end !
Please share your comments :)
