
NY Times翻訳---韓国、日本との情報共有協定を破棄を表明

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South Korea Says It Will Scrap Intelligence-Sharing Deal With Japan


By Choe Sang-Hun, Motoko Rich and Edward Wong
Aug. 22, 2019Updated 12:48 p.m. ET

South Korea said on Thursday that it would abandon a military intelligence-sharing pact with Japan, a move that dramatically escalates tensions between the two countries and underscores the United States’ diminishing leadership in the region.
The South Korean decision on renewing the security agreement — a pact the United States had pushed in part to ensure tight monitoring of North Korea’s missile activity — had been awaited as a barometer of relations between Seoul and Tokyo, America’s two closest Asian allies.
Those ties had reached their lowest point in years after Tokyo imposed trade restrictions this month targeting exports to South Korea. Japan took further action against Seoul by removing it from a list of trusted trade partners, and South Korea responded in kind.
The flare-up punctuated decades of waxing and waning enmity between the two countries, rooted in Japan’s colonization of South Korea before World War II.


同保護協定更新に対する韓国の決定 — 北朝鮮のミサイル発射活動を厳しく監視するため、アメリカが推し進めてきた一環 — は、アジアにおけるアメリカの親密な同盟二国であるソウルと東京の関係性のバロメーターとして期待されていた。

In recent days, there had been signs that the two sides were seeking ways to ease the strains, making the decision by Seoul a surprise to many.
During a major speech last week, President Moon Jae-in of South Korea sent conciliatory signals to Japanese leaders, saying that “we will gladly join hands” if Tokyo chooses dialogue.

The Trump administration urged Mr. Moon’s government not to abandon the agreement. Stephen E. Biegun, an American envoy, met with South Korean officials earlier on Thursday.

Kim You-geun, first deputy chief of South Korea’s National Security Council, said the South had chosen to terminate the intelligence-sharing deal because the trade restrictions had “caused an important change in security-related cooperation between the two countries.”

この数日、両国の間には緊張を緩和を模索する動きが見られていたため、韓国の(今回の)行動は多くの人を驚かせている。先週の大規模な講演において、韓国の文在寅(Moon Jae-in:ムン・ジェイン)大統領は、もし日本が対話を選択した場合「私達は喜んで強力する」と、日本の指導者達に向けて和解のシグナルを送っていた。

トランプ政権は、協定を破棄しないよう文政権に促した。アメリカ特使のStephen E. Biegunはこの木曜日に韓国政府関係者と面会していた。

金有根(Kim You-gun:キム・ユグン)国家安保室第1次長は、(日本の)貿易規制が、”二国間安全保障関連の協力における重大な変化”となり、韓国の情報共有協定の破棄決定の原因となった、と発表した。

Mr. Kim added in a statement, “Our government has concluded that it does not conform with our national interest to maintain the agreement struck for the purpose of sharing sensitive military intelligence.”
Taro Kono, Japan’s foreign minister, called South Korea’s decision “extremely regrettable.”


“The relationship between Japan and South Korea is in a very severe situation with the series of extremely negative and irrational moves by South Korea, including the decision this time,” Mr. Kono said in a statement. “The Japanese government will continue to urge South Korea to respond sensibly, based on our consistent stand over various issues.”
A Pentagon spokesman, Lt. Col. Dave Eastburn, said the United States hoped that Japan and South Korea would resolve their differences.
“We are all stronger — and Northeast Asia is safer — when the United States, Japan and Korea work together in solidarity and friendship,” he said. “Intel sharing is key to developing our common defense policy and strategy.”

「今回の決定も含め、韓国による一連の極めてネガティブで不合理な動きによって、日本と韓国の関係は非常に厳しい状況にある」と河野氏は声明で述べた。 「さまざまな問題に対して一貫した立場に基づきつつ、日本政府は韓国側が賢明に対応するよう引き続き促していく。」
「米国、日本、韓国が連帯と友好で協力することで、我々はより強くなり、北東アジアはより安全になる」と彼は語る。 「情報共有は、共通の防衛政策と戦略を開発するための要である。」

The collapse of the deal comes at a particularly sensitive moment in the region. North Korea has conducted six ballistic missile tests in about a month, and Japan and South Korea regularly share analysis about such tests with each other as well as with the United States.
“Our hope was that it would cut down the time that the United States had to play the middle man on intelligence sharing in a crisis,” said Kelly Magsamen, who helped work on the agreement when she was the principal deputy assistant secretary of defense for Asian and Pacific Security Affairs in the Obama administration. “It’s absolutely essential. In a military crisis, such as a potentially hostile ballistic missile launch, we aren’t going to have time to play referee between Tokyo and Seoul.”

「私たちの望みは、アメリカが有事の情報共有の橋渡し役の手間を削減することだった」とKelly Magsamenは語る。彼女は、オバマ政権におけるアジア太平洋安全保障問題の国防副次官補だった際、この(情報共有協定の)契約業務の実務を支援していた。 「絶対に不可欠な協定だ。敵対的弾道ミサイル発射のような軍事危機では、(アメリカが)東京とソウルの間でレフェリーをする時間などない。」

Analysts said that in the immediate term, both Japan and South Korea would be able to obtain important intelligence information about North Korean missile launches through the United States. But they noted that the South Korean withdrawal effectively prevented closer cooperation in the future.


“My main worry is not necessarily the intelligence loss, but the symbolic difficulties of ever restarting serious security cooperation again,” said Jonathan B. Miller, senior fellow at the Japan Institute of International Affairs.
Washington has long wanted both Seoul and Tokyo to work more closely to confront North Korea’s nuclear and missile threats as well as China’s growing influence in the region. American officials have made repeated appeals for South Korea and Japan to mend the growing rupture between them.

「主な私の憂慮は、必ずしも(この軍事機密)情報を失うことではなく、この重大な安全保障協力を再開することが象徴的に難しくなることだ」と、日本国際問題研究所のシニアフェロー、Jonatham B. Millerは語る。

Under the Trump administration, those relationships have gotten more complicated. As it pursues an “America first” agenda, the administration has let its alliances wane around the globe.
While President Trump and senior foreign policy officials have expressed concern about the growing split between Tokyo and Seoul, they have also said they will not play the role of mediator.
The end of the intelligence-sharing agreement “is an indictment of the fact that this administration hasn’t invested the resources necessary to build any solid basis for trilateralism in Northeast Asia,” said Ankit Panda, an adjunct senior fellow at the Federation of American Scientists.
Mr. Trump’s aides have spoken to reporters in Washington about the importance of the intelligence-sharing agreement. In late July, John R. Bolton, the national security adviser, called officials in Tokyo and Seoul to ask them to freeze their hostilities. Mr. Pompeo made the same request of their foreign ministers at a summit in Bangkok.

トランプ政権下では、これらの関係はより複雑になった。 「アメリカ・ファースト」のアジェンダを追求する中で、政府は世界中の同盟関係を衰退させることとなった。
情報共有協定の終わりは、「トランプ政権が北東アジアにおける米中間三国間連携の強固な基盤を構築するために必要な資源投資を行っていない、という事を告発したようなものだ」とアメリカ科学者連盟のシニア・フェロー、Ankit Pandaは述べた。
トランプ氏の補佐官はワシントンで、情報共有協定の重要性について記者に語った。 7月下旬、国家安全保障顧問のJohn R. Boltonは、東京とソウルの政府当局者に電話をかけ、彼らの敵対行為を凍結するよう依頼した。(国務長官の)Ponpeo氏は、バンコクのサミットで両国外相に同じ要求をした。

Mr. Trump has said he is not worried about Pyongyang’s launches of short-range ballistic missiles, and intends to continue diplomacy with Kim Jong-un, the North Korea leader, over its nuclear weapons program. Negotiators from the two sides, though, have yet to meet this summer.
Mr. Biegun, the special representative on North Korea, traveled to Japan on Monday for meetings and is now in South Korea. The State Department said his aim was to discuss strengthening coordination on getting North Korea to end its nuclear weapons program. Morgan Ortagus, a State Department spokeswoman, said Wednesday that she had no details about the trip.

トランプ氏は、平壌の短距離弾道ミサイルの発射について心配していない、と述べており、北朝鮮の指導者である金正恩との核兵器プログラムに関する外交を継続するつもりである。しかし、両国の交渉担当者は、この夏、まだ会談していない。 北朝鮮関連事象の特別代表であるBiegun氏は月曜日に会議のために日本を訪れ、現在は韓国にいる。国務省は、Biegn氏の目的は、北朝鮮の核兵器プログラムを終わらせるための調整強化を議論することであると述べた。国務省の女性広報官であるMorgan Ortagusは、水曜日、彼の出張に関する詳細はないと述べた。

South Korea’s relations with Japan soured late last year when Mr. Moon’s government took steps to effectively nullify a 2015 agreement his conservative predecessor had reached with Tokyo over the so-called comfort women, Korean women and girls who were forced or lured into brothels for Japanese soldiers during World War II. The 2015 deal was meant to lay that painful issue to rest, and Japan accused Mr. Moon of tearing the wounds open again.
Matters worsened when South Korea’s highest court ruled that Korean victims of forced labor under colonial rule could seek compensation from Japanese companies. In recent weeks, the discord over historical issues began bleeding into the countries’ trade ties.
Japan removed South Korea from its “white list” of most-trusted trading partners and tightened controls on three chemicals needed to make semiconductors and flat-panel displays, which are major South Korean exports. The move was seen as an attack on South Korea’s major electronics firms, most notably Samsung and LG, which are pillars of the country’s economy.
Angry South Koreans responded with protests and widespread boycotts of Japanese goods, like the fashion retailer Uniqlo, while Mr. Moon’s government downgraded Japan’s trade status. Lawmakers and protesters demanded that the intelligence-sharing agreement be scrapped.

韓国と日本との関係は昨年末、文政権が、いわゆる慰安婦 --- 第二次大戦中、日本人兵士のための強制的もしくは誘われて売春宿に入れられた女性や少女 --- の問題について、保守党の前任者(朴槿恵前大統領)が日本政府と合意した2015年の契約を事実上無効にする措置を講じたときに悪化した。 2015年の契約は、苦痛の元であった同問題の解決を意味しており、日本は文氏を、傷口を再び引き裂いた、と非難した。

In Japan, some suggested that the administration of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe should have anticipated that Seoul would retaliate after Japan tightened restrictions on exports.
“That was clearly a very careless mistake,” said Tsuneo Watanabe, a senior research fellow at the Sasakawa Peace Foundation in Tokyo. “They didn’t consider the South Korean regime or the psyche of Moon Jae-in.”
Mr. Watanabe said he hoped that Japan would be restrained enough not to escalate tensions further. “Maybe their business and ordinary constituencies are realistic enough to demand that they not retaliate,” he said.
South Korea’s decision came a day after its foreign minister, Kang Kyung-wha, and her Japanese counterpart, Mr. Kono, met in Beijing but failed to narrow differences.

「それは明らかに、非常に不注意な間違いであった」と、東京の笹川平和財団の上級研究員である渡部恒雄は語った。 「彼ら(日本政府)は、韓国の政権体制や文在寅の心理を考慮しなかった。」
渡部氏は、緊張がさらにエスカレートしないように日本が十分に自制することを望む、と述べた。 「おそらく日本の経済界と選挙民は、報復を望まない程度には十分現実的かもしれない」と彼は言った。
外務大臣の康京和(Kang Kyung-wha:カン・ギョンファ)と彼女の日本のカウンターパートである河野氏が北京で面会したが、意見の食い違いを狭めることができなかった翌日、韓国の意思決定は下された。

The intelligence-sharing deal between South Korea and Japan, signed in late 2016, was reached as part of a broader American effort to ensure that the three countries respond more quickly and efficiently to threats from North Korea, China and Russia.
Under the agreement, known as the General Security of Military Information Agreement, Japan and South Korea exchange sensitive military intelligence, rather than going through Washington, which has separate deals with both nations.


Japan monitors North Korea with satellites, radar and surveillance aircraft, while South Korea’s geographical proximity and its intelligence-gathering on North Korea through spies, defectors and other human sources make its information valuable.
The deal is automatically renewed annually unless one side gives the other a 90-day termination notice. This year, that deadline falls on Saturday.
In practical terms, South Korea’s decision could hurt it more than Japan. Japan currently has more satellites trained on North Korea and the ability to track submarine movements by the North.
“South Korea is essentially shooting itself in the foot on this,” said Jeffrey Hornung, an analyst with the RAND Corporation. “They are making a self-inflicted wound here.”
“It’s purely a political move,” he added.
Any political gain for Mr. Moon, in catering to nationalist sentiments, could be short-lived if South Koreans tire of the prolonged strain with Tokyo and worry about the effect on the alliance with Washington, said Cheon Seong-whun, a former director of the Korea Institute for National Unification, a research group in Seoul.
“This is not a positive signal for the United States because South Korea is seen as shaking one pillar in Washington’s efforts to ensure that South Korea, Japan and the United States work closely to check the rise of China,” Mr. Cheon said. “In the long term, some people in the United States may start questioning whether South Korea is on their side or on China’s.”

「韓国は結果的に墓穴を掘っている」と、RAND Corporationのアナリスト、Jeffrey Hornungは述べている。 「彼らはまさにこの場で自傷行為をしている。」
韓国人達が日本政府との長期にわたる緊張にうんざりし、アメリカ政府との同盟への影響を心配する場合、ナショナリストの感情に応える文氏の政治的な利益は短命なものとなる可能性がある、とソウルの研究グループである韓国統一研究所の元所長、全星勲(Cheon Seong-whun:チョン・ソンフン)氏は語る。
「韓国は、韓国、日本、米国が中国の台頭をチェックするための緊密な協力を確実にするための、アメリカの取り組みの一つの柱を揺るがしていると見られているため、これはアメリカにとってポジティブなシグナルではない」と全氏は述べた。 「長期的には、アメリカの一部の人々は、韓国が我々側にいるのか、それとも中国の側にいるのかと疑問を持ち始めるかもしれない。」

Edward Wong and Ben Dooley contributed reporting.

Source: Wong & Ben Dooley(2019), South Korea Says It Will Scrap Intelligence-Sharing Deal With Japan, New York Times, retrieved at Aug. 22, 2019 from
