
What does OMGT® stand for mindfulness!?OMGT®が掲げるマインドフルネスとは?What does OMGT® stand for mindfulness!?

Mindfulness is the practice of paying attention to the five physical senses without being distracted by the distractions of past experiences and preconceptions, and developing a mind that perceives and accepts reality as it is, such as "how I feel in the present moment" and "the physical situation I am in." The state of mind acquired through practice can be called "mindfulness mind".マインドフルネスとは、過去の経験や先入観といった雑念にとらわれることなく、身体の五感に意識を集中させ、「今、瞬間の気持ち」「今ある身体状況」といった現実をあるがままに知覚して受け入れる心を育む練習のこと。 練習によって身に付いた心の状態を表現すると、「マインドフルネスな心」になります。

喜多重左衛門からの一言❣Comments from Kita Juzaemon❣.

Mountain asceticism - Kita Juzaemon❣.大峰山修行

I myself have had the experience of practising Omine Shugyou, but it is not easy to get rid of evil thoughts. However, when I revived after three months in a critical condition due to illness, and when my body had calmed down, I meditated on my bed and saw a new world.
Based on this experience, I can recommend that the first thing you should do is to clear your gut environment. This is because I think the gut and the brain are connected by an invisible thread. The way to improve the intestinal environment is in tea, which came from the Tang Dynasty, and over the past 1,000 years Japanese green tea has been developed and improved to become an even better tea. Scientific research has shown that high-grade matcha, in particular the amino acid theanine, which is an umami ingredient, produces an alpha wave in the brain. And the caffeine in matcha helps to clear the brain and is useful for meditation. This experience is the reason why the logo of OMGT LLC has the word 'Mindfulness' in the circle phase and subtitle.
OMGT's resident tea master, Kita Juzaemon❣
その経験から私が、推奨できる方法は、まずは、自分の腸内環境をスッキリすることです。腸と脳は見えない糸でつながっているように思うからです。その腸内環境が改善できる方法は、唐から伝わった、茶にあります。1000年の時を超えて日本緑茶は進歩改善されて、より素晴らしい茶となりました。科学的研究もされて、高級抹茶には、特に、うま味成分アミノ酸であるテアニンが脳にαウエーブを作り出すことが、判明されています。そして、抹茶に含むカフェインが,脳をスッキリさせて、瞑想に役に立ちます。そんな経験から、OMGT LLCのロゴに託された、円相やサブタイトルには、Mindfulnessを記しました。
OMGT 専属茶師 12代喜多重左衛門
A word from Kita Juzaemon❣


In 1979, Jon Kabat-Zinn at the University of Massachusetts Medical Centre developed the Mindfulness-Based In 1979, Jon Kabat-Zinn at the University of Massachusetts Medical Centre developed the Mindfulness-Based Stress Relief (MBSR) program as a clinical technique.
There is scientific support for an eight-week mindfulness meditation technique that has been shown to reduce stress and increase performance by slowing the amygdala response and activating the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex.
(Sara Lazarus)(Sara Lazarus)(Sara Lazarus)(Sara Lazarus)
(Sara Lazar, Ph.D. et al. 2010University of Massachusetts Medical School)1979年にジョン・カバット・ジンが、臨床的な技法としてMBSR(マインドフルネスストレス緩和プログラム)をマサチューセッツ大学の医療センターで開発しました。
(Sara Lazar, Ph.D.他 2010University of Massaschusetts Medical School)


Specifically, mindfulness is about calming down daily worries, anxieties, work, evaluations from others and other things that tend to pop into one's head, and consciously creating a state of mind where one can focus only on the 'now', and meditation is used as a method to achieve this.
Mindfulness meditation is believed to improve concentration because unnecessary distractions disappear, and it is also expected to have other effects on physical and mental conditioning by freeing the mind from anxiety and stress that are crushing it.
Traditionally, the effectiveness of breathing techniques has been evaluated on the basis of empirical and subjective effects. For this reason, there have been few studies on breathing techniques themselves, and because they have been revered as a religious practice, there have been few in-depth scientific investigations.
Modern society is a stressful and unstable society where time moves very quickly and without stability due to the globalisation of the economy and industry and technological innovation through advanced information technology. The environment surrounding us is also severe, with global warming, natural disasters, etc., and everyone from adults to children is living with various stresses.
Through mindfulness practice, we can aim to improve our self-awareness (self-awareness) and self-management skills (self-management).

Japanese Zen practice is inevitably religious in nature. For this reason, not much research has been done on the effects of meditation. The word 'practice' is associated with images of hardship, difficulty and danger. In this respect, a scientific way of explaining the wonderful aspects of meditation methods was developed by Jon Kabat-Zinn in 1979 at the University of Massachusetts Medical Centre as a clinical technique, MBSR (Mindfulness Stress Relief Programme).
従来、呼吸法の効果は、経験則や主観的効果で評価されてきた。そのため、呼吸法の研究自体も少なく、宗教的行法として尊崇されてきたゆえに、あまり踏み込んだ科学的調査 が行われて来なかった。
現代社会 はストレス過多社会であり、経済・産業のグローバル化や高度情報化による技術革新が進み、時間の流れの非常に早い、慌ただしく落着かない不安定な社会である。地球温暖化や 自然災害等、我々を取り巻く環境も厳しく、大人から子供まで、それぞれが様々なストレ スを抱えて生きている。
