
"I thought I could work in Thailand." But could not. The reason is?

Every morning I learn English through an online English conversation with an English teacher in the Philippines. "I started working at a language school in Thailand this October." He told me just last month.
He told me this morning, "I can't go to Thailand. I need a working visa to work in Thailand, but I don't have it, so I can't work."

He is 21 years old. It is natural to work to earn tuition for siblings.


He is 21 years old. He graduated from a university in the Philippines, and this year marks his second year in working life. He sends living expenses for his siblings and mother every month.

I don't know how much money he sends to his family every month. But I think he has paid most of his salary. In the Philippines, it is common to send money to parents when they start working. In addition to him, many young people are sending their parents.

He is the top of six siblings. His bottom sister is now 5 years old. Siblings are still going to cost more. According to him, his father-in-law does not pay for the top three children, including him. Therefore he has to earn his siblings tuition and living expenses. His mom is also working. But I think she cares for her children and doesn't make enough money to earn them.

living expenses=生活費、siblings=(男女の別をしない)兄弟、most of=たいていの、common=一般的、In addition to=~に加えて、According to=【前】~によると、father-in-law=義父、including=~を含む、tuition=授業料、earn=稼ぐ

It is my pride to work and send away for an important family.


Family is the most important thing for him. And I think that he is proud to work for his family, earn money and send it off. Sending children to their working parents seems like a culture unique to the Philippines, but looking around, there are many people in Japan who send their parents. Parents take it for granted that their children work and send them away. A Japanese sending to his parents said, "I work and feed my family. That is my pride."

In the case of a Filipino, he sends most of his work to his parents. So I think it is very difficult to save. But he was saving little by little to go to Thailand. He would have needed a lot of money to get a passport. I think he was going to Thailand with a very hard feeling.

However, most Japanese young people can spend money only for themselves after graduation. Of course their lives are not easy, but they can save if they do their best. And they can go abroad.

In  case (主語+動詞)=~に備えて、念のため~に備えて
In the case of (後ろに名詞)=~に備えて、念のため~に備えて※特定の誰か(彼)が入るため「the」は省略不可能。
looking around=周りを見渡すと

He was going to work as soon as he went to Thailand.


He also took his passport. He was going to work at a public school in Thailand.He thought he could go to Thailand and work from October this year. If he goes to Thailand and works, he can earn more salary than now. He can send money for his family. I think he was looking forward to going abroad. But he found that he could not work when he went to Thailand. If he does't send money his family will be in trouble. "I want to go to Thailand and  work. But I can't do that," he thought.So he decided to give up going to Thailand.

certain=確かだと思った、If 現在形,主語  will + 動詞 ~(もし~なら、主語は~だろう)、decide to:決定する、be in trouble=トラブルにあっている

I like the company now. But I need to get more income for my family.


He says he will stop working at a language school in May or June.

"The company I work for has good teamwork. There are a lot of offline and online students and they are all kind. The CEO is very kind. We always do various events. I'm a good dancer and I can sing songs.If I live alone, my current salary may be enough. But I have to make more money to support my family. So I have to find another job. ''

He told me so.

various=さまざまな、have to=(人のために)しなければいけない、must=(自分のために)しなければいけない

I do not know the circumstances of his company. But if I were a business owner, I wouldn't be able to raise their salaries so easily.
For example, suppose that each employee paid 1,000 yen more per employee. If I had 1,000 employees, I would pay 1 million yen a month, or 12 million yen a year.If I were a manager, I would not be able to continue the company.

income=収入、suppose=(判断の根拠が比較的薄い形で)思う、If 過去形の文, 主語 + would + 動詞 ~:もし~なら、~だっただろう、 employee=従業員

Now is the time for him to challenge.


I'm sorry he quit his job.But I'm in favor of him changing jobs.People work for 40 years in their lives. When he is young, he should try various tasks. This will increase his experience. He can make friends. It leads to his own growth.
It would be nice to do a lot of work and return to his company. Some teachers are like that.

Now is the time to…=その時が今日だよ、task=(つらくて骨の折れる)仕事、experience=経験、lead=導く、his own growth=彼自身の成長、like that=そんな感じ

Currently he is 21 years old. He can challenge many things in the future. There are plenty of opportunities to go abroad. This time he could not go to Thailand. However, he wants to save money and go on a trip abroad for himself.He doesn't need much money if he asks his friend living in Thailand to stay at home.

If he could ever go abroad, his curiosity would be stimulated and the possibilities would be expanded.

Currently=現在は、plenty=たくさんの、opportunity=機会、This time=今回、go on a trip=旅行する、ever =いつか、curiosity=好奇心、stimulate=刺激する、possibility=可能性、expand=広げる

He has the opportunity to harness his talent.


He has many ideas. He is good at singing and dancing, and also designs. He always changes hairstyles and colors, and is well versed in makeup. He wears his own stage costumes for the event. With his talent, he might be able to do hair and makeup and stylist work and stage work.

And he is always thinking of creating a mechanism to earn money. So I think he will be able to make a lot of money in the future.

He has a lot of talent and opportunities. And he's only 21 and he can do a lot. He can do anything.

He always lives positively. He is sometimes depressed. But he always says, "Still, my life will continue, so I have to enjoy it." I hope he can find what he wants to do and take on more challenges.

harness=生かす、versed=精通して、wear=身に着ける、 talent=才能、mechanism=仕組み


Yuriko Mano, Visiting Scholar, Meiji University Service Innovation Laboratory


