











  1. スクリプト決定: 経験の解釈に基づいて、幼少期に自分自身、他人、人生についての決定。

  2. スクリプトメッセージ: 子供の決定に大きく影響を与える親からのメッセージ。ポジティブなもの(賞賛)もネガティブなもの(禁令)もあります。

  3. スクリプトパス: スクリプト決定とメッセージから予測される人生の道筋。

  4. カウンタースクリプト: 後の人生で発達した代替スクリプト。しばしばセラピーや大きな人生の変化への反応として生じる。




  1. 交流分析 (TA): ライフスクリプトが位置づけられているより大きな心理学的理論です。TAは、エゴ状態を決定するために社会的交流に注目します。

  2. エゴ状態: TAによると、個人の「人格」の3つの部分です。親、大人、そして子供の状態。

  3. TAにおけるゲーム: TAでは、ゲームはライフスクリプトに従って繰り返し演じられる特定の取引セットです。


  1. エリック・バーン: 交流分析の創始者であり、ライフスクリプトの概念を紹介した人物。

  2. クロード・シュタイナー: TA分野の重要な貢献者であり、ライフスクリプトの理解を深め、スクリプト・マトリックスの概念を提唱しました。






  1. 「エリック・バーンと交流分析の発展」

  2. 「交流分析におけるエゴ状態の役割」

  3. 「人間関係の心理学:人々が遊ぶゲーム」

  4. 「ライフスクリプトが心理療法で果たす役割」

  5. 「クロード・シュタイナーの交流分析への貢献」


Life Script in Transactional Analysis


Life script, in the context of Transactional Analysis, is a psychological construct that outlines an individual's life plan, often unconsciously determined. It is a complex set of decisions influenced by parental messages and early childhood experiences, which guides a person's behaviors, decisions, and life direction.

Definition and Description

The concept of a life script was first introduced by Eric Berne, the founder of Transactional Analysis. A life script is essentially a pre-conscious life plan, which dictates the way an individual lives their life. It is structured around early decisions made by the child in response to their interpretations of parental messages and other significant life events. These decisions can be about oneself, others, and the world and often impact the person's life path significantly.


Eric Berne, in his works during the mid-20th century, introduced the concept of life scripts in Transactional Analysis. His work was further developed by other transactional analysts like Claude Steiner, who emphasized the "script matrix", illustrating how parental messages, injunctions, and attributions contribute to the development of an individual's script.

Concepts and Principles

A life script is composed of several key elements:

  1. Script Decisions: These are decisions made during childhood about self, others, and life, based on the interpretation of experiences.

  2. Script Messages: These are parental messages that greatly influence the child's decisions. They can be positive (awards) or negative (injunctions).

  3. Script Path: This is the predicted life path that follows from the script decisions and messages.

  4. Counter Scripts: These are alternative scripts developed in later life, often in response to therapy or significant life changes.

Significance and Applications

Life scripts are significant in understanding an individual's behavior, choices, and interpersonal relationships. They are central to Transactional Analysis psychotherapy, where the aim is often to make the client aware of their script and to enable them to change unhelpful script decisions. Life scripts are also relevant in other fields like education, organizational development, and communication.

Related Topics with Explanations

  1. Transactional Analysis (TA): This is the broader psychological theory within which life scripts are situated. TA focuses on social transactions to determine ego states.

  2. Ego States: These are the three parts of an individual's 'personality', according to TA. They are the Parent, Adult, and Child states.

  3. Games in TA: Games, in TA, are certain sets of transactions that are repetitively played out in accordance with the life script.

Key Figures or Contributors

  1. Eric Berne: The founder of Transactional Analysis and the introducer of the concept of life scripts.

  2. Claude Steiner: A significant contributor to the field of TA who furthered the understanding of life scripts and developed the concept of the script matrix.

Current Status and Future Directions

As of now, life scripts remain a central concept in Transactional Analysis and are widely used in therapy and counseling. Future research may focus on empirical testing and validation of script theory, as well as the development of more effective therapeutic interventions based on life script analysis.


The concept of a life script is a significant contribution to the field of psychology. By understanding an individual's script, therapists can help them become aware of and change unhelpful behaviors and decisions. While much has been explored about life scripts, there is still much to be understood, particularly regarding the empirical validation of script theory.

Suggested topics for the next generation:

  1. "Eric Berne and the development of Transactional Analysis"

  2. "The role of Ego States in Transactional Analysis"

  3. "Games People Play: The Psychology of Human Relationships"

  4. "The role of life scripts in psychotherapy"

  5. "Claude Steiner's contributions to Transactional Analysis"

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