
レポート:外来植物が環境に与える意外な影響!/Report: Surprising Effects of Invasive Plants on the Environment!


Growing houseplants or looking at wildflowers is a restful experience. Although plants are a familiar presence that soothes our hearts and minds, they can be a disadvantage to the environment and people in other countries due to differences in weather and temperature. In this issue, we will introduce the impact of invasive plants on the environment and invasive plants in various countries.

美しい外来植物。でも、実は危険な存在?/Beautiful invasive plants. But they are actually dangerous?


Here is a summary of the different types of invasive plants, each of which has been identified as invasive in three regions.

南アフリカ ー ヒマワリヒヨドリ ー/South Africa ー Chromolaena odorata ー



Chromolaena odorata has the ability to regenerate from rhizomes after fire or when old stems die, and it regenerates even after mowing, making it difficult to get rid of. It also has allelopathic properties that allow it to grow densely and increase while destroying other plants. Because of this characteristic, the proliferation of Chromolaena odorata has hindered Nile crocodile aquaculture.

アメリカ ー クズ ー/America ー Pueraria montana ー


クズは、最大 18 m にもなる成長が著しい植物です。つる性植物のため、他の植物に必要な日光を遮断し、光合成を妨げることで、植物を完全に窒息死させます。また、電信柱や建物を完全に覆い尽くすこともあり、生活にも影響を及ぼします。特に、アメリカ南部の松のプランテーションでは重大な外来植物と認識されています。

Pueraria montana is a fast-growing plant that can reach up to 18 meters. Because it is a vine, it completely suffocates plants by blocking the sunlight needed for other plants and preventing photosynthesis. It can also completely cover telegraph poles and buildings, affecting their livelihood. It is recognized as a serious invasive plant, especially in pine plantations in the southern United States.

オーストラリア ー ランタナ ー/Australia ー Lantana ー



Overseas, this weed is found in tropical and subtropical agricultural areas. It causes significant damage because it produces allelopathic substances and monopolizes the land while eradicating crops and pastures. It is also a toxic plant that can kill sheep and calves if they eat its leaves and seeds, so special attention should be paid in areas where dairy farming and grazing are practiced.

こんな意外な所にも影響が…/It affects such an unexpected place...


Plant regulations are strictly enforced, even at airports. So what is the actual environmental impact of invasive plants when they invade and spread? We've highlighted a few real-life problems!

土地の価値が下がる/Land values will decrease


The Japanese knotweed has become one of the most damaging native species in the U.K. Growing up to 10 cm per day and 3-4 m in 10 weeks, its reproductive capacity causes damage to land and buildings and affects the landscape, leading to It has also led to a decline in property values. In the United Kingdom, the law on Japanese knotweed allows for their ownership, but it is against the law to allow them to spread in the wild or to release them onto other land.

火災の原因に/Causes fires

In the Great Basin of the United States, non-native plants, including cheatgrass, have been reported to cover more than 77,000 square kilometers of the ecosystem. These plants, including cheatgrass, are highly flammable when dry, and 39 of the 50 largest fires in the Great Basin between 2000 and 2009 were associated with cheatgrass.

鳥の数を減らす/Reduce the number of birds


In Poland, it has also been reported that an increase in non-native plants can lead to a decrease in the number of birds.
Birds, which feed on tree fruits and insects, lose food when non-native plants invade an area and disrupt the ecosystem. This leads to population declines as birds that depend on native species are less able to move to another area and thrive in that area.

SDGsとの関係性は?/What is the relationship with SDGs?


Goal 15 of the SDGs states, “Take urgent and significant action to reduce the degradation of natural habitats, halt the loss of biodiversity and, by 2020, protect and prevent the extinction of threatened species” and “By 2020, introduce measures to prevent the introduction and significantly reduce the impact of invasive alien species on land and water ecosystems and control or eradicate the priority species”

外来植物についてもっと知ろう!/Let's learn more about invasive plants!


Invasive plants have a significant impact on ecosystems and human life. They are not well known, but knowing their types and impacts may help prevent the destruction of ecosystems and the environment. IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources) has published the world's 100 worst invasive alien species. If you're interested, check it out!

・2021年12月6日,Invasive grasses are taking over the American West’s sea of sagebrush,Science News,(2022年8月29日取得,Invasive grasses are spreading, which may increase wildfire risk | Science News)
・2004年12月,100 OF THE WORLD’S WORST INVASIVE ALIEN SPECIES,IUCN,(2022年8月29日取得,https://portals.iucn.org/library/sites/library/files/documents/2000-126.pdf)
・Pueraria montana var. lobata (kudzu),CABI,(2022年8月29日取得,https://www.cabi.org/isc/datasheet/45903)
・Japanese Knotweed UK Law,Knotweed Help,(2022年8月29日取得,https://www.knotweedhelp.com/japanese-knotweed-law/)
・2021年4月28日,The Impacts of Nonnative Plants on Birds,Benton Soil and Water CONSERVATION DISTRICT,(2022年8月29日取得,https://bentonswcd.org/impacts-of-nonnative-plants-on-birds/)
・2020年9月,Impacts of an invasive plant on bird communities differ along a habitat gradient,Global Ecology and Conservation,(2022年8月29日取得,https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2351989420306910)
