
1日2題の英文和訳 問題編 Apr.18.2024


From making lists of the birds you have seen, you can move on to studying one species in detail, or even one individual within a species.  The better you understand the lives of birds, the more you will find their lives enrich your own.

This is because violence tends to increase the overall suppression of a movement's participants while making it harder for us to regard these participants as innocent victims of this brutality.

☆ 高1レベル 
☆☆ 高1修了レベル(英語の得意な高1生もOK!) 
☆☆☆ 高2修了レベル(英語の得意な高1・高2生もOK!) 
☆☆☆☆ 難関大レベル(チャレンジ問題です)
