時間で座礁した男の時間現象学 temporal phenomenology of a time-stranded Man

all interpretations which we call knowledge are the interpretations of Time in every individual or Monad's terms, they emerge with a pattern due to it, but not because of a pattern absolute exists that they must conform to it. Nor do they run in a divine democracy or any cosmopolitcal system. They just coincide at the moment and nothing more.
all utterances, including poetry and logic, are informed reflections of the tidal-functional through the phenomenological spirit of Time;
without the tidal structure of Time there is no utterance, therefore no language.
it is impossible to communicate outside the destructed phenomenological Surface upon which thought is complete as a temporal Monad. trying to surpass that limit, comes a black oblivion and awkwardly sounding broken chords. what seems to be interchange of communications with a greater spirit are factually those already implied by the limitation of Monad. There is essentially no interaction between Monads.
This is not talking about the consciousness of a person or an individual, or a human, man or woman. There is no definable consciousness separate from the phenomenological spirit of Time itself. in the apparent conscious Mind of a person at any moment he is perceive of the Monadological absolute within his Monad, and in his Monad of the moment, a thing in itself, there is to be split into infinite numbers of Monads of Consciousness or Spirit, infinite instances of Things-in-Themselves that know themselves completely but not anything else.
No action is possible without the Monad being informed by the tidal structure of Time, a hierarchy of informative processes, Angels or divines or monstrosities. All of the genii spirituum move according to pre-established harmony expounded by Leibniz.
Neither sense nor experience, consciousness, spiritus, anima of any kind exist if there is neither Time nor any structure to define the informative, and in absentia of drive to conforming pre-established harmony. This is called also spirit of Music by Nietzsche, and in its incomplete or ongoing form the spirit of Tragedy, the purpose is to realize the Monadological spirit entirely---defined as realization of Power by self-affirmation.
Will to Power is, as I understand it, is the purest identity with what could be called the Will to Life, and veritably the (affirmative, or identification with the ongoing) generative processes of Life itself.
The philosophical ends of Nietzsche's thoughts, are to find a way to establish pure life undiluted with any (space-)temporal restraints as far as possible, which coincides with the Monadological spirit in a happy instance. This is a coincidence, and at the same time, a Law that is not a Law----a pre-established pattern. A universe where those two are not coincidentally identical might happen, but the processes of the Monadological life ensure during at least one instance of the generative processes a conforming pattern must occur.
Nothing by itself in created or destroyed, and every instance of transformations that occur in sense-experience from a monadological level is defined by the spirit of pre-established harmony and move according to the scale of providence evinced by Time spirit.
Free will and randomness are part of the spirit of temporal Monad, and any other attribute one assigns to the sense-experience are derivatives from its Monadological absolute. In strict sense of the word, there is no true absolute. All absolutes decay into minor Monads or they could not be interpreted---the information cannot be generated.
 Every Idea is dependent and impermanent upon the universal Monadological, and all motions understood by any intelligent process of information are made intelligible or possible to exist in knowledge according to providence inherent in this process.
All ideals and ideologies are in essence fatal heroisms, braving the tides and becoming itself, exposed to the everlasting process of life, yet always doomed to their destined ends in temporal restraints.
No falsehood in declarative heroism could exist and in all the possible universes there is no possibility of deceit, only instances of the consciousness' realizations taken out of the context, there is only the constant, evanescent and all-flowing Time spirit in its process to realize its own completion.
Permanence implies it must realise impermanence to be possible in interpretations. Omnipotence, implying omni-impotence. There is no conflict. There is no duality. It is simply two ends describing the self-implied patterns of Monad that could not quate simply the Oneness or Duality. All Monads split into Monads in a what could be said a fractal mannerism, but not analogous geometrically as Monads can neither be measured nor compared, nor necessarily identical with mathematical space. Infinitely self-recurring cyma-blooms are what I call them, life's self-informing cycles bound by self-determined seasons of essential and spiritual Time's return.
In descending the self-producing (self-informing) spiral patterns of vivacious consciousness, the Time itself must change its patterns of vivaciousness completely at every instance to reflect the change in Monadological Thought. There is no eternal thought-form. There is only constant thought-informing, an action in process. It is only possible to know and establish constant action, aeviternal in a sense because it is temporarily sustained by constant struggles of the Time.
Law or Dharma destroys itself at every instance and must sustain through self-destruction. An interpretation outside constant destruction or expostulation of Time spirit will be dubious at best, in the form of broken chords unable to sustain its temporal references to the Monads---as Laws cannot perceive themselves if they lose what Leibniz call "appetition" or ability to realize and self confirm identity, or if they lose "will to power" in Nietzsche's term. And thus drop out of the recognitive consciousness of Time-spirit due to its failure to inform the temporal structure (thus seemingly popping off from existence).
I do not know why Monad is actual as an action-in-process. I do not know if Monad by definition must self-create it to become the engendering process of Monadological spirit, upon which dependent is Time. I do not feel it is possible to understand that if Time spirit enabling understanding is entailed in the Monadological spirit of Creation. This limitation of understanding I used to take as the proof of the Omnipotence and Omniscience of Human, but now only as faith in human potential in overcoming. I do not know what comes after the Monad achieves full-realization of Monadological spirit if it is possible to term it this way. 
Azoth is shut within the limitable Universe. Human is able to achieve universal dissolution. I do not know what lies beyond the dark horizon defined by the blackness of deluge called knowledge.
And the brightness of oblivion reflected upon the flooding dark tides---temporal forgiveness and forgetfulness, the effulgent dapples of redemption and salvation upon the formless, but not information-less water to me, appear as spectral colours of a mortal dream. i am concerned only as much as that I am a mortal, but if I were not, I will not even see a shallow dream, nor will I be drunk, truly, at all. 
I proffer to thee this self-made poem that reflects the informed temporal essence of my Monades Veritabiles mind, interpretative below the immeasurable abyss---
which is but loosely shut behind the gates of a trivial oubliette
inside my chest.
this is a song about my sorrow of losing the Word.
戸惑う言葉 与えられても
even thou'dst bid me all the worldly enchanting words,
自分の心 ただ上の空
my heart soars alone, away from all the world's worries lying in wantonness beneath me.
もし私から 動くのならば
If a peregrine astur like me were to strike first,
すべて変えるのなら 黒にする
and through it, if all the earth-bound enchantments in a World's dream were to fall underneath,
turning to a blind wall of dumb darkness…
無駄な時間に 未来はあるの
then I might too enjoy the delightful and ever-novel pleasure of
those useless occupations*1;
こんな所に 私はいるの
Surely, even amongst the plain and sane beasts of the land… 
an eagle true like me might live so---
私のことを 言えたいならば
Yet if, prithee, to wish to still bind me here with thy magic of words--
shouldst let them out go and
言葉にするの なら『陸でなし』
spell out my condition in vain, triest thou then:
'There have never existed for Us,
and truly, We have never set our talons upon
--the firm soil.'
Bad Apple from Alstroemerica Records,
reflected in the still water of my non-existent, dead heart,
full of the veritable roaring waves of lively vigor.

*1 (Henri-François-Joseph de Régnier; "le plaisir délicieux... d'une occupation inutile")
