
毒を吐く その10

BGM Mina Lund氏がThe Voice Norge 2019で歌った ’Unstoppable’








If we shift the origin of the coordinate axes and pull the coordinates back again, we can see the horror.

Water used to be drunk or for washing from wells, rivers and springs, but we started paying for water and now pay extra for drinking water, represented by plastic bottles.

Air is also, for the most part, free, but there are more and more situations where a purifier is used for clean air.

Safety may not yet be a major issue in Japan, but in some countries, security is heavily reflected in rents and land prices. In more extreme places, we have to pay extra for guards and enclosures to avoid being kidnapped. Some organisations and households in Japan may ask for security companies.

Time and attention are wasted by commercials. We are forced to watch and listen to things that are advertised as cheap or free. Our time and attention are stolen, and we are manipulated into buying things we don't need.

Consumers may think we are consumers, but we are often the ones being consumed.

Am I a 'slave' without realising it?
