



Breakthrough in 2022! I believe this is a season that God is calling the Ekklesia to follow him in a spirit of...

Posted by Tom Hamon on Monday, January 10, 2022


ヨシャファテの戦い(第二歴代誌20章)を思い出します。彼は敵に囲まれた状態で目を覚まし、すぐに恐怖を感じましたが、このパニックの霊を撃退した後、自分と民を整えて、祈りと断食で主を求め始めたのです。つまり、彼は霊的な武器の使い方を知っていたのです。彼は天に向かって雄弁に訴え、神が動いてくださるように信仰の雰囲気を作り出しました。そして、神は動いたのです。ヤハジエルという若い預言者の心を動かし、勝利のための戦略を預言されたのです。私は、ヤハジエルが、今の地球で起きている若い世代の新しい預言者運動の姿であると信じています。ヤハジエルは、主がご自分の民のために戦っておられることを預言しました。この時期、私たちはそれを見ることになると思います。この危機の中で、ヨシャファテ王は2歴代誌20章20節で、「主を信じればあなたは固くされる。(AMP, ESV, NASB1955, HCSB, NARSVA, RSV, etc)」「主の預言を信じればあなたは栄える。(KJV, NKJV, ASV, DARBY, GNV, etc)」という大胆な命令を下しています。このギリシャ語の繁栄という言葉は、物理的な繁栄という意味以上に、前進する、脱皮する、突破する!という意味を持っています。これこそ、主がこの時代の教会に命じておられることなのです! そして、第二歴代誌20:22には、主の民が賛美と礼拝を始めたので、主が敵軍に待ち伏せをし、彼らを滅ぼし始めたことが宣言されています。ここでも、彼らは自然の武器に対して霊的な武器を用いるようになり、流れが変わるのを見たのです。2022年、このような突破口と王国の前進を信じることができるでしょうか!?





もしあなたが2022年にブレイクスルーを得ようとするなら、強い抵抗を乗り越えて粘らなければならないかもしれません。この抵抗は、このたとえ話のように、時には思いもよらないところからやってくるかもしれません。2022年は、「二倍の分け前」について話しています。しかし、エリヤはエリシャがそれを受け取ることに抵抗があったようです。エリシャは、自分に従うようにと呼びかけ、マントを投げかけたとき、両親に別れのキスをするために時間をくれと言い、エリヤは 「私があなたに何をしたというのだ 」と言いました。そして、二倍の分け前が提供されたとき、エリヤは「私が行くのを見なければならない」と言いながら、エリシャに「ついて来るな」と勧めたように見えます。もしエリシャが簡単に落胆していたら、マントを逃すことになったでしょう。エリシャは粘り強く、抵抗しなければならなかったのです。



昔のヨセフのように、偉大な夢と召命と好意を受けた彼は、その人生において壊滅的と思えるような挫折を経験したのです。しかし、最終的には、それらの挫折の一つひとつが、実は、彼の運命への飛躍のための準備であったことを私達は知っています。これはヘブライ語の「ペ(Peh)(פ)(口)・ベト(Bet)(בּ)(家)」という年であり、神が未来のためにご自分の家を建てられる場所です。ヨセフは寵愛を受けながらも、試練と祝福の中を歩むことによって、イスラエルの未来のために家を建ててもらっていたのです。父の家では、夢と幻を受け、恩恵を受けながら、予期せぬ裏切りと心痛を経験しました。ポティファルの家では、好意を受け、農業と権威を理解しましたが、同時に冤罪と迫害も経験しました。大きな家(牢屋)では、この政府の牢屋で、統治やパロの家でのことを学びましたが、同時に束縛、暗闇、遅滞も経験しました。ファラオの家で、彼は支配と監督の仕方を学びましたが、同時に、彼が決して望んだことのない場所で、この困難な克服の旅を始めたように見えた者たちが帰ってくるという試練も受けました。神は彼の将来のために家を建てられたが、同時に国の将来のためにも家を建てられました。しかし、彼はその苦しみの中で、粘り強く努力し、神の約束の成就を見たのです 神様は、あなたが歩まなければならなかった痛みの目的を持っておられ、それは、あなたの運命が成就するためのブレイクスルーなのです。あきらめないでください!耐え抜いてください!











Breakthrough in 2022! I believe this is a season that God is calling the Ekklesia to follow him in a spirit of...

Posted by Tom Hamon on Monday, January 10, 2022

Breakthrough in 2022! by Tom Hamon

I believe this is a season that God is calling the Ekklesia to follow him in a spirit of breakthrough in order to advance the Kingdom of God in this hour. An Unholy AntiChrist Agenda has been loosed in an unprecedented way in the earth at this time. However, I believe that if we are facing unprecedented times of battle that we can believe for unprecedented breakthroughs!

I am reminded of Jehoshaphat’s battle in 2 Chronicles 20 where he woke up surrounded by his enemies and immediately feared but then after fighting off this spirit of panic, he began to set himself and the people to seek the Lord in prayer and fasting. In other words, he knew how to employ his spiritual weapons. He made an eloquent Appeal to Heaven and created an atmosphere of faith for God to move. And God did move! He moved on the heart of a young prophet name Jahaziel to prophesy about the strategy for victory! I believe Jahaziel is the picture of the emerging prophetic movement in a younger generation arising in the earth today. Jahaziel prophesied about the Lord fighting for His people. I believe that is what we are going to see in this season. The king, Jehosophat made a bold decree in the midst of this crisis in chapter 20 and verse 20 ‘Believe the Lord and you will be established’ and ‘Believe His prophetic and you will Prosper’. This word prosper in the Greek means more than physical prosperity, but it means that you will advance, you will breakout and you will breakthrough! That is what the Lord is decreeing over the church in this hour! And then in 2 Chronciles 20:22 we see that it declares that the Lord began to set ambushments against the enemies forces to destroy them as the Lord’s people began to praise and worship. Again, they began to employ spiritual weapons against natural weapons and saw the turning of the tide and God fought for them to the point that it took them 3 days to gather all the spoils of the victory. Can we believe for this kind of breakthrough and kingdom advancement in 2022!?

The Real Virus

We have been living through a Virus Pandemic that i believe is more than just a physical sickness but is a demonic attack from the pit of hell that carries a strong AntiChrist Agenda with it. The Lord spoke to me when the Pandemic was breaking out that the real virus was not a physical virus but a spiritual virus that wants to get into our system like a computer virus that wants to produce malware, ransom ware, trojans and corrupted files and more. It wants to clog and confuse our systems and ultimately shut us down. The Lord said that the Real Virus was composed of 3 main things: Fear, Fatigue and Fatalism. These three attacks wanted to invade our systems physically, spiritually and socially and cause us shut down or be susceptible to the enemies antichrist agenda plans. Fear is sent to control us and is more contagious than a natural virus. Fatigue is sent to wear us down and take us out. And Fatalism is sent to make us believe that things are hopeless and fated to happen. But the Christ Anointing is greater than any Antichrist Agenda and his anointing the best Anti Viral that the world has ever seen. Instead of Fear, we will operate in great Faith and see a breakthrough in Healings, Signs and Miracles! Instead of Fatigue we will see an outbreak of Joy and Praise and Worship that will bring great breakthroughs to the church! Instead of Fatalism and Hopelessness, we will see a massive move of the apostolic/prophetic Ekklesia surging forward to bring great spiritual advancements for the Kingdom of God.

Persistence is Key

The Lord spoke to me and said that this would be a time that we would have to be willing to Press though the Resistance in order to fulfill our Mission in 2022! I was reminded of the the passage in. Luke 11 where the Disciples ask the Lord how to pray and Jesus sets forth what we call The Lord’s Prayer. It starts off by declaring that God’s will will be done in earth as it is in heaven. This is a powerful declaration of God’s heavenly kingdom authority being superimposed upon the earth realm. However, after this powerful prayer is given, it immediately goes into a parable about a man who in the late hours goes to his friends house for provisions to help him care for some ones who had arrived at his house. The man knocks on his friend’s door for help but the response is not what he hoped. The man inside tells him to go away because its late and he is in bed. However, the man continues to knock and knock and knock until it says that his friend arises and gets him what he wants, not just because he is a friend but because of his persistence. Here is the key of this Parable! God doesn’t always just answer because we casually ask, banking on his friendship. Sometimes he is looking for a ‘fervent’ prayer and a ‘persistent’ approach. He wants to know how badly do we really want this. Are we serious, focused and intent?

If you are going to receive your Breakthrough in 2022, you may have to persist past strong resistance. This resistance may sometimes come from unlikely sources as it did in this parable. 2022 speaks of a Double Portion. But Elijah seemed to be somewhat resistant to Elisha receiving it. Remember, at the very first, when he called him to follow him and cast his mantle upon him, Elisha asked for time to go kiss his parents goodbye and Elijah said, “what have I done to to you?” And when the Double Portion was offered, Elijah said that you must see me when I go but then went on to seemingly encourage Elisha to stay back and not follow. If Elisha would’ve been easily discouraged then he would’ve missed the mantle. He had to Persist and Resist the Resistance!

Your Pain has a Purpose!

God is saying that our Pain and our Process has a Purpose. In the midst of whatever painful process we have walked through this last year or so, it was purposed to produce a greater passion and persistent determination within our lives. It is fashioning us to look and act like Jesus more than ever before and it is producing a Christlike Character and Supernatural Christlike Power to flow out of our lives! Some of the very areas where you felt you failed or things didn’t work the way that you hoped, are the areas God is going to grow Great ‘Mega’ Grace in our life! Great ‘Mega’ Grace and Great ‘Mega’ Power is God’s plan for you!

Like Joseph of old, who had a great dream and calling and coat of favor on his life, he went through some devastating seeming set backs in his life. But ultimately we know that each of those set backs was actually a set up for a breakthrough into his destiny. This is the Hebrew Year Peh (mouth) Bet(House) in which God builds His house for the future. Joseph, though favored, was having a house build for the future of Israel through the trials and blessings he walked through. In his Fathers House, he received dreams and visions and favor but also experienced unexpected betrayal and heartache. In Potiphar’s House, he received favor and an understanding of agriculture and authority but he also experienced false accusation and persecution. In the Big House (prison), he learned about governing and what when on in Pharoah’s House in this government prison but also experienced bondage, darkness and delay. In Pharoah’s House, he learned how to rule and oversee but also was tested with the return of the ones who had seemingly started this hard journey of overcoming in a place he never wanted to be. God was building a house for his future but also for the future of a nation. Yet, through all of his pain, he persisted and saw the fulfillment of the promise of God! God has a purpose for the pain you had to walk through and it is Breakthrough for your Destiny to be fulfilled! Don’t give up, Persist!

God is Raising up a Stand up Generation!

You have to Persist against strong Persecution! God said that he is raising up a Stand Up Generation! Shadrach, Meshach and Abendego were three Hebrew boys who found themselves in Babylon when the pressure was being put on everyone to bow down to the image of the King or we might say the Beast in our day. They had been mentored by the prophet, statesman Daniel to stand against such pressure as they likely saw him being put into the den of hungry lions to be devoured and yet God shut the mouths of those lions and Daniel stood strong and released a great testimony of God’s power and saving grace to a King and his entire kingdom. If you remember the pressure was on for these boys to bow down or else! They chose to stand and having done all stand and face whatever ridicule, persecution or consequence that might come. It’s interesting to understand not just their Babylonian given names but their Hebrew names: Azariah, Hananiah and Mischiel. We find that Azariah means ‘God has helped’, Hananiah means ‘God has favored’ and Mischiel means ‘to be as God is’
I believe God is going to empower a Stand Up Generation in this day to not bow down but stand up for God and be counted and know that God will help and favor and that they can be as God is to represent him rightly in their generation!

Run to the Battle!

Last year God had me look at the Greek and Hebrew words for 2021 in the Strong’s Concordance to get His understanding of how we were to position ourselves in that year. I felt the Lord say it was a season to Run to the Battle! Not to hide and hunker down but to go from Survival to Revival, to advance when the enemies was threatening. I looked up at the Hebrew number 2021 and it is the word ‘hotsen’ and it means ‘sharp and strong, as a weapon of war’ and in the Greek the number 2021 is ‘epicheireo’ which means ‘to take in hand or to undertake or put the hand to’. I felt the Lord was saying that it was time for the Ekklesia to put God’s sharp and strong weapons of war in our hands and run to the battle! If we don’t fight, we can‘ t breakthrough! A Word for one year doesn’t stop because of the turning of a calendar but rather it continues but it is also added to as God continues to add to the revelation.

God is going to Pour our His Spirit on the Nations and the Mountains

So as we are coming into this new year of 2022, I felt the Lord prompt me to go ahead and again look at the Strong’s numbers for 2022 in the Hebrew and the Greek. In the Hebrew the number 2022 is the word ‘Har’ and it means ‘mountain, hill, country, nation’ and in the Greek it is the word ‘epicheo’ which means to ‘pour upon’. It is also interesting that this word is only found used once int he New Testament and it is in Luke 10 in reference to the story of the Good Samaritan. This is a powerful story of a man who was willing to be used to give help and comfort to someone outside of his normal circle and at an inconvenient time. I believe God is saying that he wants to pour out His spirit in an amazing way this year on the nations of the earth! God wants to release revival and awakening to the church and in the earth! I believe some of our greatest breakthroughs are going to be on our journey to what we think is our assignment but actually God is going to have some kairos moments for us to bring the kingdom in amazing ways that will seem like an interruption at the time. The Good Samaritan is a picture of the church operating outside the normal confines of our religious context. The Good Samaritan had to overcome Prejudice and Bias in order to fulfill his mission. The Resistance also came in the form of a Religious Spirit as the Priests could not be bothered to stop and help because of their religious mindsets and hardness of heart. A Religious spirit always resists the move of God and ultimately persecutes those purposes. It also fosters a spirit of competition and division. If we are fighting each other then the enemy is winning. We must focus our united efforts in defeating the real enemy. One person once said that the World won’t be Won until the Church is One!

The Answer and Call is Awakening!

The Answer is for an Awakening to hit the Church and then we carry it to the streets. Ministers in the Marketplace are going to begin to take their place more than ever before. We must awaken to our true condition to overcome apathy and complacency! We must awaken to our true call, to heal a hurting world! We must awaken to our potential and power to bring transformation through the release of righteousness and justice to bring God’s kingdom blessings into our world! We must awaken to our authority as the Ekklesia to bind and lose and use the keys to the kingdom to shut down the gates of hell! We must awaken a generation to who they are in Christ and bring the greatest revival the world has ever seen!
It’s time for Breakthrough in 2022! Let’s Persist past the Resistance to fulfill our Kingdom Mission in Season for our Great King!
If this was a blessing to you please share this word and follow this page!

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Breakthrough in 2022! I believe this is a season that God is calling the Ekklesia to follow him in a spirit of...

Posted by Tom Hamon on Monday, January 10, 2022


【預言の吟味の学び】「預言の矛盾」byカービー・クレメンツ牧師(Dr. Kirby Clements)


『2ペテ1:20 ただし、聖書のどんな預言も勝手に解釈するものではないことを、まず心得ておきなさい。21 預言は、決して人間の意志によってもたらされたものではなく、聖霊に動かされた人たちが神から受けて語ったものです。』ペテロの手紙 第二 1章20~21節



『ダニ5:11 あなたの王国には、聖なる神の霊の宿る人がいます。あなたの父上の時代、彼のうちに、才気と聡明さと、神々の知恵のような知恵があることが分かりました。あなたの父上であるネブカドネツァル王は、彼を呪法師、呪文師、カルデア人、占星術師たちの長として立てられました。12 王がベルテシャツァルと名づけたダニエルのうちに、夢を解き明かし、謎を解き、難問を解くすぐれた霊と知識と聡明さがあることが分かっていますので、今、ダニエルを召して、その解き明かしをさせましょう。」』ダニエル書5章11~12節
聖書 新改訳2017©2017新日本聖書刊行会


P.169-170『ユダヤ戦記3』フラウィウス・ヨセフス著、秦 剛平(はた ごうへい) 訳、山本書店 発行、1982年7月25日 初版発行、定価3200円(2018年7月現在絶版)より

神殿での奇怪な出産〔二九二〕ま〈- P.169 / P.170-〉たこの祭(※除酵祭/種を入れないパンの祭り:3~4月頃)のとき、犠牲として捧げるために引いてきた雌牛が、神殿の庭で小羊を生んだ。
内庭の真鍮の扉、ひとりでに開く〔二九三〕このような事例はほかにもある。内庭の東側の内扉ーーそれは真鍮でつくられていたためにきわめて重く、夕方ころにいったん閉じると、二〇人の力をもってしても開けることが殆どできないもので、通常は鉄をはめたかんぬきでしっかりと閉められ、門扉には敷石の中に奥深く差し込まれている差し錠がついていたーーが、夜の第六時(a)ころ、ひとりでに開くのが認められた。〔二九四〕神殿の衛兵たちが走って行って、事のしだいを衛兵長(b)に報告した。衛兵長は門の所へ上って行き、やっとのことでそれをもとどおりに閉めた。〔二九五〕この件も素人には最高の吉兆に思われたのである。彼らは神が自分たちのために祝福をもたらす門を開かれたと考えたしかし学識のある者たちは、堅牢強固な神殿が今や自然に崩れ落ちつつあると理解し、心の中では、その兆を切迫している荒廃を告げ知らせるものと受けとめ、門が開いたのは敵への贈りものを意味すると解した。(※ 素人の解釈ではなく、学識のある者たちの解釈の通り、この年の西暦70年9月26日(≒アヴの月の9日)にエルサレム神殿は陥落した。)






- We have all sinned and deserve God's judgment. God, the Father, sent His only Son to satisfy that judgment for those who believe in Him. Jesus, the creator and eternal Son of God, who lived a sinless life, loves us so much that He died for our sins, taking the punishment that we deserve, was buried, and rose from the dead on the third day according to the Bible. If you truly believe and trust this in your heart, receiving Jesus alone as your Savior, declaring, "Jesus is Lord," you will be saved from judgment and spend eternity with God in heaven. We have all sinned and deserve God's judgment. God, the Father, sent His only Son to satisfy that judgment for those who believe in Him. Jesus, the creator and eternal Son of God, who lived a sinless life, loves us so much that He died for our sins, taking the punishment that we deserve, was buried, and rose from the dead on the third day according to the Bible. If you truly believe and trust this in your heart, receiving Jesus alone as your Savior, declaring, "Jesus is Lord," you will be saved from judgment and spend eternity with God in heaven.

What is your response?

If you are not a Christian, and would like to become a Christian. Simply say - "LORD Jesus, thank you for forgiving me of my SINs, today I am deciding to follow you. Accept me into your family, in Jesus name I pray. Amen "


「天のお父さんからのラブレター」Father’s Love Letter - JAPANESE(7:06)https://youtu.be/nWYmI_6tK28


イエス様もなさった個人預言 の聖書の実例の解説、現在の個人預言の映像リンク集付き

The Reason We started Rising Destiny (Shining Destiny): The History of Japanese Mission from the 20th Century to the 21st C


note, SNS, WEB上にいる中国の異端のカルト宗教・全能神に関しての注意喚起

三位一体(トリニティ、the Trinity):正統なキリスト教の教理
全能神教会(全能神)The Church of Almighty God:中国のカルト・異端。キリストが女キリストとして中国人女性として再臨したと説く。全能神の教祖・趙維山(ジャオ・ウェイシャン 1951年~)は自らを「大祭司」と唱え、大学受験に失敗し精神的に病んでしまった女性・楊向彬を「女キリスト」に祭り上げた。彼女は趙維山の愛人となり、後に妻となる。暴力、洗脳、ハニートラップ、スパイ活動など違法かつ強制的な布教活動を行なう。入会を断る、脱会を希望すると、「護法隊」と呼ばれる実働部隊が出動し、耳を削ぎ落とすなどの残忍行為を行なう。実際に死に至ったケースもあるという。2014年、中国山東省のマクドナルドで全能神信者が布教活動をし、勧誘拒否した女性を店内でモップの柄で撲殺する事件も起こっている。(2014年山東招遠カルト殺人事件)趙維山夫妻は、中国政府から弾圧を受け2000年頃に米国に逃亡している。
フェイスブックグループ「キリストの羊」、フェイスブックページ及びブログ/HP「聖書の部屋」は一見するとそれと分からないが、「全能神」のサイトなので要注意。全能神信者がよくSNSでシェアしている。全能神信者は、人種(例.中国人が日本人に成り済ます)や性別を偽ってSNSアカウントを大量に作って勧誘活動を行なっている。noteの「高橋 智也」氏(momo125)、「ひで ひろ」氏(biblestudies)は全能神なので注意。
