
Lily's Journal #2 Raising Awareness of LGBTQ+ Issues through the Rugby Game(Lilyさんのインターン日記)

Hi everyone! It’s Lily and I’m here to tell you about my work at the Rugby Game this past weekend. The Rugby games were part of a tournament called the Taiyo Seimei Women’s Sevens Series. With Aya Noguchi and Machi Orime  being my mentor for this event I worked alongside other volunteers from Pride House Tokyo as well as many others. During our time there we set up a few tables with information all about Pride House Tokyo and what they did for the sports world. Upon setting up the tables we made sure to put the progressive pride flag around. 

Now what is the progressive pride flag versus the normal one? The progressive pride flag is a newer invention where the design of the flag was to make the regular rainbow flag more inclusive by including more colors. These colors represent some of the more marginalized groups that stand within the LGBTQ+ community. When we see this flag we are able to celebrate LGBTQ+ and diverse persons.

After setting up the tables I spent my time helping those who speak English on the importance of Pride House Tokyo and what they do for the sports world in Japan. While there were more Japanese-speaking people, I was able to interact with them by handing them flags and introducing them to my fellow workers who could better educate them on what we do. 

If you are curious about all the work that Pride House Tokyo does make sure to check out their website or my previous journal!