









Will Otani be able to get the Savoy Special after losing Wonder Boy?

The movie "Natural" was being broadcast on NHKBS on the afternoon of the 26th, when American Major Leaguer Otani released a statement regarding the incident involving his personal interpreter, who was fired on suspicion of illegal gambling. What perfect timing?

I've seen this 1984 movie a couple of times, so I didn't record it, but I remember the plot.

This is a movie with a strange development in which a promising baseball player, played by Robert Redford, returns to the major leagues as an old rookie 16 years after being stabbed by a mysterious woman. There is no explanation of who she is or what he has been doing for 16 years. However, there are many things we don't know about the world, such as what the former interpreter was actually doing, and this movie will keep you watching until the climax.

Some liken the film's structure to that of Homer's epic poem The Odyssey. I see, that may be true.

At the end of the movie, the main character breaks the one and only baseball bat he's been using. The bat was made from a tree that was torn apart by a lightning strike, and its name is "Wonder Boy." A batboy offers him the "Savoy Special" while he is in a daze. This is the bat he made with the bat boy. The title photo is a replica of that.

He produces the best climax with that bat. It's like a movie made for Robert Redford.

Will Otani, who has lost someone he trusted more than just an interpreter, be able to find the Savoy Special?
