
リベカのアドベント -13日目-

「イエス様はね、みんながニコニコしているととても嬉しいの。イエス様のことを歌ってくれるともっと嬉しい。でもね、あなたがとても悲しくてつらいときもイエス様は嬉しいのよ。それはね、そういう時こそみんなイエス様に必死でお祈りするでしょう? イエス様はね、あなたがそうやって頼ってくれるととても喜ぶのよ。自分が何でもできると思っているとなかなかイエス様は手を貸してくれないのね」
「それは、たぶんないんじゃないかな。うーん、そうしたら君は勉強をしなくなるでしょう? 勉強することはテストで点数を取ることより大事だからよ、きっと。でも祈ってみることは大事ね。教えてもらえるかもしれない。そのためには普段からイエス様と親しくていないとね。
「ゆるすってどういうこと? 私にはわかんないんだもん」


Today is Sunday, church day. After Sunday school, two people were having a conversation…
“Jesus is happy when everybody is smiling. He’s even happier when we sing about him. But he’s also happy even when you’re sad and having a rough time. Do you know why? Well, in times like that, people pray to Jesus with their whole heart. Jesus is very happy when we rely on him. If we think that we can do everything ourselves, Jesus may not help us.”
“If I ask Jesus for the answers to questions during a test will he tell me?” asked Rebecca.
“Hmm, I don’t think he would do that. If he did, you wouldn’t study anymore, would you? Studying is more important than getting good grades on tests. But it’s important that you pray. He might help you find the answer, but you have to have a good relationship with Jesus in your every day. When you’re studying, if you earnestly pray to Jesus to help you find how to solve a problem, he might show you how to solve it in a way you never would have thought yourself. Maybe you’ll find a hint on a page you just happened to open. Then you also need to realize that it wasn’t just chance.
Anyways, it’s important to pray to Jesus while relying on him with all your might. This plants good seeds in you. It will really help you in hard times.”
Both Rebecca and Annika were listening from a distance. Annika had a very serious look on her face. Rebecca was looking down the whole time.
Neither of them would talk to each other, even today.
Rebecca thought she heard a voice in her heart saying, ‘forgive her.’ But what does it mean to forgive? Rebecca did not know the answer.


作:石川 葉 絵:石崎 幸恵 訳:Andy Carrico 英訳編集:Rey DeBoer

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