
リベカのアドベント -1日目-

 そんなリベカの様子を見ている鳥がいました。それは、まったくフクロウのようでしたが、よく考えて! フクロウはお昼間は森の奥で首を傾けて眠っているはずです。フクロウのように見えるその鳥の姿は、実は天の使いでした。


“Koji, wait!” 
Koji, the boy Rebecca was calling, was slightly taller than her and wore glasses.
“What, Becky?”
“I want to give you a Christmas gift!”
Rebecca grinned and shoved a snowball down the back of Koji’s coat.
He let out a helpless yelp and wiggled his neck.
Smiling, Rebecca said,
“Bye-bye Koji. Have a wonderful Christmas!”
While this was going on, there was something bird-like watching Rebecca. It looked just like an owl but… think again! Owls should be sleeping in the woods during daylight, with their heads tilted. The creature that looked like an owl was actually an angel.
For what reason did this owl-like angel come down to earth?


作:石川 葉 絵:石崎 幸恵 訳:Andy Carrico 英訳編集:Rey DeBoer

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