
ヨセミテの春の象徴(インスタ翻訳シリーズ vol.2)

Red-winged blackbirds

"Conk-la-reeeee!" Red-winged blackbirds are a true sign of spring in Yosemite Valley. The distinctive trill of fiercely territorial males singing their hearts out drifts across meadows and wetlands in the cool morning air or warm evening gloaming. Follow their voices to the tops of trees and tall grasses to find a black silhouette, hunching to show off bright red shoulder patches above a garish stripe of yellow. Within their own territories, males will also display their brilliant epaulets in midair, tail down and flying as slowly as possible to send signals to both competitor males and prospective mates.

Females are more difficult to spot, as their coloration helps them blend in among the grasses and reeds where they build their nests. New parents are prone to abandon nests if they are disturbed during construction, so help give them a little privacy by sticking to established trails.

Red-winged blackbirdsは、ヨセミテバレーに春の訪れを感じさせてくれます。空気が冷たい明け方や、黄昏の夕暮れどきになると、オスは、縄張りを誇示するため、独特な震え声で、牧草地や湿地帯を飛び回ります。



distinctive 独特の
epaulets 肩章
midair 空中
reed 藁

