
Drinking Tie Guan Yin 铁观音(Oolong Tea)

Tie Guan Yin, one of the 10 prestigious Chinese tea, in my little brown purple-clay made Chinese tea pot has started to make a rich and deep leaf smell along with the steam once the hot water met the leaves. Strong as if I am traveling deep into an old and deep green mountain. I already fell in love with this tea.


What is Tie Guan Yin?

铁观音(tiě guān yīn)茶,中国传统名茶,属于青茶类,是中国十大名茶之一。原产于福建泉州市安溪县西坪镇,发现于1723—1735年。“铁观音”既是茶名,也是茶树品种名,铁观音茶介于绿茶和红茶之间,属于半发酵茶类,铁观音独具“观音韵”,清香雅韵,冲泡后有天然的兰花香,滋味纯浓,香气馥郁持久,有“七泡有余香”之誉 。除具有一般茶叶的保健功能外,还具有抗衰老、抗动脉硬化、防治糖尿病、减肥健美、防治龋齿、清热降火,敌烟醒酒等功效。
ーQuoted from Baidu Baike

Type: Blue Tea (Oolong)

From: Fujian

Effective for anti-aging, preventing arteriosclerosis, diabetes, caries, losing weight, ease smoking and hangover.


How To Drink?

Tea set: White porcelain / 功夫茶白瓷杯组

Water temperature: 100 degrees

Amount of leaves: 7 ~ 8g and use 7 times+


1. Warm up the white porcelain and cups with hot water and abandon after its done.

2. Put tieguanyin in to the white porcelain and put 100 degree water, quickly abandon the hot water.

3. Pour hot water again and leave 30 sec

4. Pour it to each cups

5. Don't forget to heat up the hot water each time you pour water


And I love my cute red snapper box that I use for tea tools!

Don't forget to check out on my best friend's pottery page!

Kimi's Pottery: https://www.instagram.com/kimidoespottery/?hl=ja
