
Artwork #1 "ATOMIC GUY"


Digital Trading Card ”ATOMIC GUY”発売の経緯



2011年8月某日、わたしは自らの作品『ATOMIC GUY』を抱えながら、とあるギャラリーからニューヨークの国際連合本部ビルまで練り歩く、核兵器廃絶のためのアートパフォーマンスを実施した。

2011年8月 ニューヨークの国際連合本部ビル前にて

『ATOMIC GUY』は、「The Real Heroes」シリーズの第3弾であり、現代のヒーローたちのアクションフィギアとして制作した作品である。

現在、この作品は、ニューヨークのブルックリンにある美術館「Williamsburg Art & Historical Center (通称WAH Center)」にパーマネントコレクションとして収蔵されているが、今回の終戦記念日を機に、改めて平和な世界と核兵器の廃絶を祈念すべく、Digital Trading Card(NFT)として販売することとなった。


”ATOMIC GUY” 原作 概要

 備考:Yuko Nii Foundation's Permanent Collection


ATOMIC GUY is a real humanoid robot hero that was created in the second dimensional world in one small country. Basically, the hero is operated by nuclear fusion. He has power as much as 3,000,000 cowpower, artifical voice, memorized 180 languages and human feeling. He distinguishes good and bad people by his electronic brain. After World War II, he defeated many enemies in the two-dimensional world and attracted many children in the country.

In the beginning of the 60's, ATOMIC GUY was imported to a big country, changing his name to "COSMO KID". The reason for the name change was that it reminded children of the open genocide and human experimentation to the small country by the big country. In 1945, the big country dropped two kinds of atomic bomb, uranium and plutonium, against the small country. Their names are "Little Man" and "Fat Boy". Little Man attacked Hirosaki city on August 6th and Fat Boy attacked Nagashima city on August 9the even though the big country's government knew the small country would surrender soon. Estimated 140,000 people in Hirosaki and 70,000 people in Nagashima, including noncombatants, female and children, were killed against Laws of War. The next 5years more people died because of injuries and radiation sickness, while the big country researched the effect of the atomic bombs and the radiation to human beings in detail. ATOMIC GUY was created because of the actual experience of its menace and fear.

However, the two bombs were also called, "The Super Heroes" who saved the world by the media in their own country. Estimated 8,500 nuclear warheads are still deployed, kept and held in the big country as "the next super heroes". On the other hand, Atomic Guy has not appeared in the real world yet.

Don't arise, ATOMIC GUY!! Sooner or later, you would kill all the people in the world with "the next super heroes" if you keep believing good and evil dualism. You must remember that your "justice" always creates your "evil" and that the people you think are "evil" also have loving families and friends. Wake up, people!! It's obvious that the government and media try to control your motivation to the next war using words, numbers, authorities, nationalities, religions, races, sex and history artfully. Don't be deluded by only their information. We are all the same human beings in mind and body.

*This is a fictional story.
