
the differences from japan

Hi everyone! It’s already September!! Fall is coming, I am so excited to celebrate Halloween! This time, I will talk about the differences from Japan. (They are negatives…)
皆さん、こんにちは!9月にもなって少しづつ夏から秋へと移り変わっていく感じですね!こっちでは Jack o'lanternを見かけることが多くなり、秋になっちゃうんだなって感じます。今回はアメリカに来てから感じた日本との違いについてまとめていきたいと思います。(ネガティブなこと多め)

Dangerous. here is not safe as Japan / やはり危険?安全ではない
Everyone, like my friends, teachers and parents warned me about the dangers in the US before leaving Japan. It is not the same as Japan in the US. In Japan, I’ve never seen a gun in daily life, I can walk alone to get home at midnight. I’ve never seen homelessness around my home. I’ve covered myself because I am used to being safe my whole life. However, honestly, I’ve had several terrifying experiences since I came here. Firstly, I heard Lawrence is a very good place to live in because of safety, but I often see homeless people in this city in daily life, especially at my bus stop. Then, if I went downtown, they would be there much more. Sometimes, they spend time on the KU buses to avoid this summer heat because the buses all are free for the people in lawrence. I had one very scary experience on the bus. That was when I was getting back to my apartment. I took the bus so carefully because it was not the usual one unluckily. On that way, a man who was not wearing a T-shirt and grumbling something stepped on and sat behind my seat. (I think he was doing drugs) Feeling he was weird at that time, but then unfortunately, he asked me “Can I sit next to you?” I completely didn’t know if I said NO, so I just answered YES, and he sat next to me. Fortunately, we didn’t have any trouble at the end, but I had some kind of trauma because he didn’t have teeth, his face was crushed, and his smell was so bad. Anyway, I actually can see the gap between people who are rich and poor here, in the US. I felt thankful for having a good and safe life, but at the same time,  I thought what I should do about these scary feelings. Before thinking about these, we, including I and the man, are the same. We are human. So I felt I was wrong to fear them at first. I think I should find something I can do for them. Then, I'm wondering about joining some KU volunteering at a shelter.

KU bus (このようなバスがLawrenceの街中を走っています)

Lack of ecosystem / モノであふれかえっている
This is what surprised me the most since I came here, maybe? America is a mass production and consumption country. This is really truly surprising to be honest. The size of stores and products is so so big compared to Japan. I think it is good there are lots of second-hand stores here, but I was shocked about the ecosystem here, especially waste separation. My apartment never has a system of dividing gabages. There are many flies in the garbage station. I think everyone in Japan cannot believe that because I put the same trash can into even papers, plastic bottles and cans. I was so surprised and shocked the first time I knew about that. Also, I think it is too wasteful to use plastic bottles (maybe because getting mineral water more often than tap water?) , and we can get plastic bags for free whatever we want at supermarkets. I feel like what’s going on in the US?!?! I’m used to bringing my bottle and my bag usually, but at the same time I’m getting used to being in this environment. I’m worrying about whether this system is getting better or not, to be honest. It should be a working ecosystem to think for the environment more carefully.
アメリカに来てなんだかんだ1番びっくりしたことかも?それぞモノの量。大量生産、大量消費って聞いてただけあるという感じ。基本お店の大きさ、商品の大きさがコストコサイズ。second-hand storeがその分日本より多いのはいいなって思うけど、私がショックだったのは環境配慮について。私のアパートメントではゴミの分別がまるでない。ゴミ捨て場はハエがわいてる。日本の皆さん。信じられますか?紙もペットボトルも缶もなんでもポイポイと同じ袋へ入れるんです。最初はけっこうショックだった、せっかくアメリカなのに…ここ適当にするのは良くないでしょと。また水道水よりミネラルウォーターを飲むことが多いからなのかペットボトルの消費がすごく多いと思うし、ビニル袋はいくらでも supermarketではもらえちゃうし…おい、どうなってるんだアメリカ!という感じ。いつもwater bottle やmy bag を持ち歩くようにはしているけど、1ヶ月経って前よりポイポイするようになったかもと少しコワい… ここが田舎だから?そもそもアメリカだから?いつもどうにかならないのかなと考えています…

Though these were negative topics at this time, I wrote this because I want you to know these differences between the US and Japan!! Thank you for reading this time as well!!
