モラハラ夫に悩む妻 A wife suffering from moral harassment husband



東京都中央区にあるタワーマンションに、夫の伊藤武人と 1歳の息子と一緒に住んでいた29歳の主婦、伊藤綾子にとって、結婚生活は経済的には恵まれていたが、幸せではなかった。 いつものように、綾子は朝は忙しく家事をして、息子を保育園に送り出した。その後、自宅で仕事を始めた。もう、3年は在宅勤務が続いている、Covid-19のせいだ。

外資系コンサルティングファームの若いマネージャーだった武人は、常に完璧主義者だ。 彼は仕事でも、家でも、完璧であることを求める。仕事では、スケジュールの遅れを許さなかったし、家の中でも、常にピカピカにきれいな部屋であることを求めた。少しでも、床にほこりがあると許さなかったし、食事のおかずが少ないと不機嫌になった。綾子が少しでも太ると、「前のほうがやせていて綺麗だったな」と嫌味を言った。

綾子は最初、仕事のストレスだと思って我慢していた。 しかし、夫のモラルハラスメント的な言動が次々と寄せられ、心に鋭い矢が何本も刺さっているように感じていた。


綾子はもう我慢できなかった。 彼女は夫に立ち向かうことを決意した。その夜、武人が帰宅すると、綾子は勇気を振り絞って彼に話しかけた。






綾子は悲しみの波が押し寄せてくるのを感じた。 彼女は、夫が自分を管理しようとしているなんて、信じられなかった。




口論は終わらなかった。 綾子は結婚を失敗したかのように敗北感を覚えた。 彼女は夫がなぜ彼女をこのように扱っているのか理解できない。コンサル時代、彼女は夫の自信と知性を尊敬していた。そして、彼は仕事を優しく教えてくれていた。彼がこんな風に変貌するとは、夢にも思っていなかった。


ある晩、綾子が息子を寝かしつけていると、LINEのメッセージが届いた。 それは、コンサル会社の武人の同僚、藤堂茜だった。茜は綾子にとって尊敬できる女性の先輩でもあった。



第 4 章

数週間が経ち、綾子はタワーマンションに戻った。彼女は完璧に家事と仕事をこなしているつもりだった。 しかし、いくら頑張っても武人のの態度は頑なだった。

ある日、綾子が用事を済ませて帰宅すると、居間に武人が待っていた。 彼は怒っているように見えた。


綾子の心は沈んだ。 悪い予感がしていた。
















綾子は少し考えた。 彼女はそれが簡単ではないことを知っていたが、彼女はまだ夫を愛していることも知っていた。彼女の指にはまだ、ダイヤの指輪が輝いていた。

「わかりました」と彼女は最後に言った。 「もう一度やってみましょう。でも、ちゃんと変わってよね?」


それから数か月間、綾子と武人は関係を修復するために一生懸命頑張った。 彼らは一緒にカウンセリングに行き、お互いにもっと率直で正直にコミュニケーションをとるように努力した。綾子にはまだ疑いと恐怖があったが、武人が真に良い夫になろうとしていることが分かった。



綾子は目に涙がこみ上げてくるのを感じた。 彼女は夫の目に愛と誠実さを見ることができ、彼らが最終的にお互いに戻る道を見つけられたと感じた。



時が経つにつれ、綾子と武人の関係は深まっていった。 武人は家事と子育てを一緒に頑張るようになっていた。

ある日、綾子が仕事をしていると、かつての同僚・麻里子から思いがけないメールが届いた。 麻里子はかつて共に外資コンサルで働いていたが、綾子は何年も彼女に会ったり聞いたりしていなかった。





数日後、綾子と麻里子はカフェでランチを食べた。綾子は安堵感を感じた。 彼女は自分が一人ではなく、同じような苦労を経験した女性が他にもいることに気づいた。





This work is fiction. Chapter 1

Ayako Ito, a 29-year-old housewife who lived with her husband, Takehito Ito, and her one-year-old son in a tower apartment in Tokyo's Chuo Ward, is a main character of this story. Her marriage was well off financially, but was not happy. As usual, Ayako busied herself with household chores in the morning and sent her son off to nursery school. She then started working from her home. It's been three years since she's been working from home because of Covid-19.

A young manager at a foreign consulting firm, Takehito has always been a perfectionist. He strives for perfection at work and at home. At work, he didn't allow himself to fall behind schedule, and in his home, he always wanted a spotlessly clean room. In the slightest, he would not tolerate dust on the floor, and he would be grumpy if the food was poorly served. If Ayako gains even a little weight, she sarcastically says, "She was thinner and prettier before."

Ayako at first put up with it, thinking she was stressed from work. However, her husband's moral harassment came one after another, and she felt as if many sharp arrows were piercing her heart.

Chapter 2

Ayako couldn't take it anymore. She decided to stand up to her husband. When Takehito came home that night, Ayako summoned her courage to talk to him.

"Takehito, can we talk for a second?" she said.

"Hmm, what's wrong?" he replied, but his eyes were on his phone.

“You, even though I am doing housework and raising children, you don’t say a single word of thanks. On the contrary, you are hurting me. Why are you always critical? There is also

Takehito looked up from his phone, his face contorted in anger.

"I'm just giving advice so that you can do better at home, Ayako. I'm not working from home, I'm at the client's office, and I have long hours of overtime. I want Ayako to do it."

Ayako felt a wave of sadness rushing over her. She couldn't believe her husband was trying to control her.

"But Takehito, I'm doing the best I can. I take care of my son, keep my room clean, and cook all my meals. What more do you want from me? I'm your subordinate at the company. But at home, I'm not your subordinate, but an equal partner."

In fact, the two got married in-house at a foreign-affiliated consulting firm. After graduating from the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Tokyo, Takehito joined the world's largest consulting firm as a new graduate. A few years later, Ayako joined the company after graduating from Sophia University's Department of Foreign Languages, and became a subordinate of Takehito. When Ayako consulted Takehito about her retirement, Takehito thought, ``It would be bad to miss such a beauty,'' and invited her to dinner, and the two began dating and got married.

Chapter 3

The quarrel did not end. Ayako felt defeated, as if she had failed her marriage. She can't understand why her husband treats her like this. During her consulting years, she admired her husband's confidence and intelligence. And he kindly taught me how to work. He never dreamed that he would transform like this.

As the weeks passed, tensions increased. Takehito became increasingly critical and even threw the cream puffs he had bought for him. Ayako started crying. Ayako couldn't stand it anymore, and she ended up withdrawing her child in her parents' home in Toda City, Saitama Prefecture.

One night, when Ayako was putting her son to bed, she received a LINE message. It was Akane Todo, Takehito's colleague at a consulting firm. Akane was also a respected female senior to Ayako.

"I've heard that things aren't going well. I advise him to change his behavior. He's got a nervous side."

Will I be able to continue the marriage safely?

Chapter 4

A few weeks passed, and Ayako returned to the tower apartment. She thought she was doing housework and work perfectly. However, no matter how hard she tried, the his attitude was stubborn.

One day, when Ayako finished her errands and came home, Taketo was waiting for her in her living room. he looked angry.

"Ayako, you have to talk," he said.

Ayako's heart sank. She had a bad feeling.

"I've been thinking about our marriage, but I don't think it's going to work. Shouldn't we get a divorce?"

A storm blew up in her Ayako's heart.

"What are you talking about, Takehito. You can also receive counseling or something."

But he shook his head.

"Ayako, you're not the kind of wife I need. If you want me to help you with housework and childcare, try earning as much as I do. I don't think we can be happy together."

Ayako felt her tears fall. I'm trying so hard...why can't I get recognition? Why am I the only one who is blamed? She stood on a cliff of despair.

Chapter 5

Ayako began to think about accepting her divorce. She spoke with her family and friends, all of whom supported and encouraged her. But no matter how much support she received, Ayako still had a hard time accepting the breakup of her marriage. She's about to have a child together...and I wonder if I can do it all by myself...I hear it's hard being a single mother...

One day, when Ayako was in the park with her son, she saw Takehito walking towards her. She didn't want to talk to him, but she hesitated to ignore him.

"Hi, Ayako."

"what happened?"

"I'm sorry. I was wrong. After all, can we start over?"

Ayako felt hope in her chest.

"What are you talking about, Takehito-kun?"

"You say you want to start over, Ayako. Can you give me another chance?"

Ayako thought for a moment. She knew it wouldn't be easy, but she also knew she still loved her husband. The diamond ring still glistened on her finger.

"Okay," she said finally. "Let's try again. But it's changed properly, right?"

Chapter 6

Over the next few months, Ayako and Takehito worked hard to mend their relationship. They went to counseling together and tried to communicate more openly and honestly with each other. Ayako still had her doubts and fears, but she knew Taketo was going to be a really good husband.

One night, while they were having dinner together, Takehito reached across the table and took Ayako's hand.

"From now on, I promise to do my best to make our family a happier place."

Ayako felt tears welling up in her eyes. She could see her love and sincerity in her husband's eyes and she felt they had finally found their way back to each other.

she squeezed his hand.

Chapter 7

As time passed, the relationship between Ayako and Takehito deepened. Takehito began to work hard on housework and child-rearing together.

One day, while Ayako was doing her job, she received an unexpected email from her former colleague, Mariko. Mariko used to work at a foreign consulting firm, but Ayako hadn't seen or heard of her in years.

“When I heard that things were going badly between Ayako and Takehito, I thought I could do something to support them. Actually, I got divorced and became a single mother. I want you to mend our relationship."

She was touched that someone she hadn't spoken to in years reached out and offered her support.

she replied immediately.

“Mariko, thank you for your message. It was really hard, but things are getting better.

A few days later, Ayako and Mariko had lunch at a cafe. Ayako felt a sense of relief. She realized she was not alone and that there were other women who had gone through similar struggles.

"If you need help or support, you can rely on someone."

Ayako nodded in gratitude to her old friend.

She is no longer alone. Her husband is also changing. But if her husband's moral harassment happened again... she had her signed divorce papers hidden just in case. It would be nice if they never used this forever, she thought.

