
My random thoughts.

I write about my random thoughts which come across my mind.


In Japan, we call icy road conditions Eisbahn

We call icy road conditions, Eisbahn, which is a German word, but the original meaning of the word is ice skating rink.

Actually, I was convinced that the word was English, like ice-barn.



Repetition is the first principle of all learning

I felt like I'm slacking off my efforts to improve my English, so I need to step my game up to develop it. Repetition helps to improve speed, build confidence, and strengthen the connections in the br


English prepositions

There are many prepositions in English and using them correctly is problematic.

They can completely alter the meaning of the sentence.

As I set a goal not to make mistakes in writing English senten


Writing English essays

I've been making the same mistakes when writing my English essay. Even though I've been trying to solve structural issues. I don't mind it because I'm on the way to increasing my English skills.



I must take up the challenge of something new to boost my English skills

Using English prepositions and articles correctly is difficult for me. I got used to making English sentences, and I became careless about the details. I need to study the fundamentals of English gram



I've been watching my favorite TED talk: "Inside the mind of a master procrastinator" again and again.

That's when I realized that the speaker is using the present tense when he is talking about ima


It’s hard to stay motivated, but

I've never imagined becoming a doctor. I thought it was beyond the compass of my ability. Even if it could be possible, I set a limit of my capabilities.

I think we have come into a legacy from our


Eating raw eggs vs Eating raw cookie dough

Eating raw eggs is a daily habit for Japanese people. I know that people from other countries don't like it. However if they eat raw cookie dough, then they indirectly eat raw eggs.

I've never tried


How can I stop being overwhelmed by regrets?

My positiveness is made from regrets about my life. No- one can change the past.
I want to give them other meanings by my present or future. Like, I have spent 3 years in English-speaking countries bu


The process of language acquisition

To think about the process of language acquisition, it is certainly true that adults have a much larger vocabulary in their own language, more general knowledge and life experience than children. This


How do you define fluency?

A score in a test is a reasonable guide to language ability but it is not the only criteria.

On a resume, having a English-language certificate would be simple to describe language skills; however,
