
ガリレオ新訳・英語解説|Winnie-the-Pooh Ch.1 #15


‘Christopher—ow!—Robin,’ called out the cloud.
‘I have just been thinking, and I have come to a very important decision. These are the wrong sort of bees.
’Are they?’
‘Quite the wrong sort. So I should think they would make the wrong sort of honey, shouldn't you?’
‘Would they?’
‘Yes. So I think I shall come down.’
‘How?’ asked you.

I have just been thinking, and I have come to a very important decision.

現在完了進行形 (have been thinking)は、雲 (Pooh)が Christopher Robinに呼びかけた「今」までずっと考え続けていたという継続を表す。

現在完了形 (have come (to a very important decision))の方は、呼びかける直前に気がついたことが「今」に影響を及ぼしていることを示している。


この記事のみ ¥ 140
