

The last shot of my tiny, precious food forest .

Thanks to the heavy rain they survived from herbicide and pesticides.

But it is just a matter of time and my situation doesn’t allow me to keep being that house any more.

Rescued them as much as I could today.
I felt like blue ding from all of my soul ,
my heart was bursting while I was picking them up from their roots even they are not time to be harvested.
Because it’s not a harvest.
When the time to harvest come , they show me a sign .
They needed to be sit there for more weeks . months and years which I once supposed to have done .

Wild rose, blackberry, lavender were those I rescued and send to my new place to live , young barley grass, Mexican cantaloupes, tiny baby watercress , ginger , green onions and Japanese parsley I dug up very softly to let their roots keep holding soil .
I need to find a proper place to replant, hoping they will revive again in new earth.

Radish greens,morokheiya, Chinese spinach have had picked up from their roots, got wash and removed all dirt . then packed in a plastic bag for my morning smoothies.

I can’t regret enough about some plants which I had to leave .

plants always gave me relief and sweet sense.

Growing any kinds creature always require us certain level of responsibility.
If you can’t take responsible to the life , you should not touch them.

#家事代行 #ケータリンク
#フ ゚ライベートシェフ #yoga #retreat #healingfood #vegan #healthy #organic #macrobiotic #ecologicaleating #cleaneating #sustainablelifestyle #plantbasedfood
#オーカ ゙ニック #ヒーリンク ゙フード #ヘルシーフート#リトリート #ヒ ゙ーガン料理 #菜食
#foodforest #permaculture #naturalfarming #家庭菜園 #フート ゙フォレスト #ハ ゚ーマカルチャー
