【一筆珈琲店】Back Number #291-300☕

画像1 【一筆珈琲店】は、2019年9月25日にAmebaにて開店し、おかげさまで2年目に入りました ♡  皆さまのお気に入りのお店の一つになれるよう、これからも平日の”一筆”とともに、週末にはnoteにて、これまで綴ってきた ”一筆” を、まとめて掲載してまいります🖋 今後ともどうぞよろしくお願いいたします by 店主
画像2 ☕オリジナリティー = Originality 291  Even if I say the right thing, it doesn't reach anyone. Only by adding originality of each of us to that theory will we be able to reach someone. Have a nice day ★ 2020-09-12
画像3 ☕モニタリング = Monitoring 292  When we're with someone, we tend to monitor them. But it's important for us to monitor ourselves, not someone. Have a nice day ★ 2020-09-14
画像4 ☕現実を自ら動かす = Move the reality yourself 293  If you move the reality yourself, even small things like the display on the weight scale, you will be very confident. Have a nice day ★ 2020-09-15
画像5 ☕やることと時間 = To Do & Time 294  I want to make time for what I want to do, not what I want to do depends on time. Have a nice day ★ 2020-09-16
画像6 ☕大河 = Large river 295  It seems that there are many things that you know part of the surface and you think you understand, so that you do not know what is going on in the large river. Have a nice day ★ 2020-09-17
画像7 ☕ココロの成長 = Growth of the mind 296  Originally, everyone has the ability. As your mind grows, you will be less likely to self-destruct and you will be able to get results. Have a nice day ★ 2020-09-18
画像8 ☕ 階段 Ⅰ = Stairs Ⅰ 297  If you want to go high, create the best stairs to get there. Have a nice day ★ 2020-09-21
画像9 ☕階段 Ⅱ = Stairs Ⅱ 298  The stairs go the same way all the time, so you may get bored. Create a landing so you don't stop before you get there. Have a nice day ★ 2020-09-22
画像10 ☕四次元ポケット = 4D pocket 299  Anyone can do anything with a computer or smartphone. It ’s like having Doraemon ’s four-dimensional pocket. Have a nice day ★ 2020-09-24
画像11 ☕言葉の力 = The power of words 300  I love SNS. Because I always get power from words that carry the feelings of many people. I always hope that I can give you words. Have a nice day ★ 2020-09-27
画像12 【Coffee Break】#15 ☕『Café Kitsuné/カフェ キツネ』 -青山- ◎COFFEE https://tabelog.com/tokyo/A1306/A130602/13240776/
