
Freedom is the most stiff word

I believe 21 Century is pretty unique, especially last few years.
Many people have been coming out they are lesbian, gay or questioning…
We have created a word, LGBTQ.
Then LGBTQ people insist they finally can grab the freedom when the word, LGBTQ vanishes from this world.
We are free so we can express what we want to.
We can insist or complain what we want to.
Thank freedom.

Our ancestors who lived in the era when freedom was not normal must have thought Freedom was such nice and amazing stuff.
They yearned it so much, they therefore had made lots of conflicts happen and fought one another so many times until they acquired the victory about Freedom.
Even they hurt someone, what’s more by killing.
Now we have.
But how is it?
Freedom generates another conflict again and again.
Because we human beings are a creature ask for the achievement more and more.

If you start to say „I have freedom“, you can do everything.
At least unless you violate the law.
You can burn national flags of other countries or you can insist you do not want your kids to vaccinate even if your kids would die because of that.
Former is a South Korea and Japan’s issue and latter is an America’s issue.
In American society, a few years ago, a congress of one of the United States proposed a law that children who were not vaccinate could not enter kindergarten or primary school.
I was vaccinate against measles when I was a baby. For sure, because I could die unless I did it.
Vaccine is safe and good for human health.
There are many proofs around the world.
However, there are parents who do not believe science but believe fake news.
Also they complain they want to raise their kids naturally.
How would they do if their kids would die because of growing up „naturally“?
But if others say so and try to persuade them to vaccinate their kids, they say „You are trying to take freedom away from us!“ „We have freedom to not vaccinate our kids!“
Freedom is everywhere.
Everyone has „each“ freedom.

If one dictator governs each continent or country, it would not happen, like before.
But fortunate or unfortunate, we have freedom now.
Probably I would say I need freedom if I lived in the period freedom did not exist.
We should review the real meaning of „Freedom“.
Maybe there is no answer though.
