
エホバの証人(Child abuse and war cannot be tolerated.戦争も虐待も許せません)

On the 28th, the JW Child Abuse Victims Archive, which was established by religious Nisei groups such as Jehovah's Witnesses, announced that in a survey on sexual abuse against Nisei children, 159 people reported sexual abuse. Nearly 90% of respondents said they had been shown sexually explicit content that was inappropriate for their age, and just over 20% said they had experienced direct sexual violence, such as being molested.

◆Touch, look, take pictures… “Half of the perpetrators are church related people”

The survey was conducted online in July. Thirty-seven people said they had been sexually assaulted by believers. Thirty-five victims were minors, five of them male. Regarding details (multiple answers allowed), 24 responses were ``I was touched,'' 11 responses were ``I was seen in my underwear or naked, or I was photographed,'' and ``I was forced to do so.'' Please have sex” (4). In half of the cases, the culprits are believed to be people affiliated with religious organizations. Twenty-one people did not seek advice because they feared they would be whipped if they spoke.






ただ、洗脳された信者は守られなければいけないとふと思いましたWhen it comes to incidents, the proverb goes, ``If it goes down your throat, you forget the heat.''

Let's make sure this doesn't happen.

However, I suddenly thought that brainwashed believers must be protected.
The word "brainwashing" may be a discriminatory term. Let's be careful. Let's leave it to a specialist.洗脳という言葉は差別用語かも知れません。気をつけよう。専門医に任せよう。)


Japanese traditional spirit and hospitality

In the tea ceremony, when welcoming guests, they choose the utensils, select the hanging scrolls, and clean the tea room and garden. They choose the color of the sweets and bowls according to the season, and spend days preparing them for the moment when they can enjoy the tea. Then, the tea is poured, adjusting the temperature of the water depending on the temperature and climate of the day. This is based on the concept of ``once in a lifetime, once in a lifetime,'' and the guests also express their gratitude for being invited and strive to make the tea party lively.

