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まずは5泊した宿「Queen Boutique Hotel」の朝食ブッフェからポーランドらしいもの。



加工肉天国! 新市街の市場「スターリークレパシュ」周りの肉屋にて











伝統料理レストラン「Karczma Zagroda(農場宿)」

6月30日木曜の午後はクリス元大佐が自慢のホンダ・アコードでクラクフ郊外へとドライブに連れて行ってくれた。午後の遅い時間のランチには野外博物館「ビギエウズフの西マウォポルスカ博物館」に併設の伝統料理レストラン「Karczma Zagroda(農場宿)」に案内された。ここは地域の文化を伝える野外複合施設で、5ヘクタールの敷地に30棟近くの伝統木造建築が建つ、様々な伝統芸能や文化のプログラムが行われている。









そして、ポーランド人が大好物のピエロギ。すりおろしたジャガイモとチーズを小麦粉の生地で包み、一旦茹でてから、バターで炒めたみじん切りの玉ねぎををからめてあり、好みでサワークリームを付けていただく。美味いけれど、生地は栃木名物のホワイト餃子のように分厚いし、しかも具材もじゃがいもなので、糖質&糖質だ。そんなピエロギが一皿に8個。僕は1〜2個で十分なのだが、クリス元大佐、この料理に限ってなぜか二皿も頼んでいた! 当然食べきれなかった。



その日の深夜はカジミエシュのライブハウス「Alchemia」でクレズマー音楽のセッション大会が行われた。イスラエルのバンドMaloxを中心に、アメリカのFrank LondonやJeremiah Lockwoodたちが集まり、夜中過ぎまでクレズマー音楽で盛り上がり、地下の会場はパンクロックのライブのように酸欠状態になった。

MaloxとFrank Londonたち in Jewish Culture Festival 2022

宿に戻ったのは午前様となり、当然翌朝は二日酔い……。残念ながら宿の朝食は抜き、宿の地下にあるサウナで整った後、お昼になって初めて小腹が空いてきた。そこでカジミエシュの裏道を散策に出ると、壁にカラフルなイラストが描かれた小さなウクライナ料理店「Kuchnia Ukrainska(ウクライナの台所)」を見つけた。

Kuchnia Ukrainska(ウクライナの台所)。左手に素朴なイラスト。店内は薄暗い





Breakfast Buffet & Local Cuisine Food Tour in Krakow

Breakfast buffet at Queen Boutique Hotel

I will write about the typical Polish food I ate in Krakow in the summer of 2022, divided into two parts.

First, the Polish-like items from the breakfast buffet at the "Queen Boutique Hotel", where I stayed for five nights.

In Poland, if you go to the market, butcher, or supermarket, you will be spoiled for choice with the many varieties of sausages, ham, and bacon on display. I'd like to call it a "processed meat paradise". I want to buy as many as I can and bring them back as souvenirs, but unfortunately, processed meat is prohibited to bring into Japan. Fortunately, at the hotel where I was staying, many of these processed meats were lined up at the breakfast buffet every morning.

The sausages cut into rings about 3 cm in diameter are "Kiełbasa Swojska", which means homemade sausage. If you look at the cross-section, the meat is coarsely ground, and the shape of the pepper grains and herbs remains intact. As a result, it's very meaty and delicious!

The long, thin, string-like sausage, about 1 cm in diameter, in orange-brown color is "Kabanos". It's a dry sausage in the same category as Calpas. It is less moist and smokier than Japanese Calpas.

The "Salami" about 4-5 cm in diameter, covered with white mold, is sliced and eaten. It has a stronger fermentation smell than Japanese salami, which is irresistible for meat lovers. Also, two types of flavorful sliced ham were lined up.

Poland is also rich in types of bread, but I am on a low-carb diet, so I unfortunately skip the bread and fill my plate with raw vegetables, pickles, and cheese.

Compared to the locally flavored processed meats, the cheeses on the buffet were mainly international ones. They ranged from easy-to-eat cow's hard cheese, ones with spices such as nigella seeds mixed in, white mold types such as Camembert and Brie, blue cheese, Italian mozzarella, Greek feta, and so on. I love "Oscypek", a smoked sheep cheese specialty of southern Poland, but unfortunately, it was not there.

And the fruits included universal ones like oranges, grapefruits, grapes, apples, cherries, as well as a variety of berries like blueberries, raspberries, currants, gooseberries, which is typical of Poland. I can eat as many raspberries and blueberries as I want!

With such a full buffet waiting for me every morning, I tend to get full on breakfast alone. However, the schedule for covering the music festival is unpredictable. There are often times when live performances and interviews are extended, and I can't get to lunch or dinner. Therefore, a full breakfast buffet at the hotel is essential.

Traditional Food at Karczma Zagroda

On the afternoon of Thursday, June 30th, retired Colonel Chris took me for a drive in his prized Honda Accord to the outskirts of Krakow. He took me to the traditional cuisine restaurant "Karczma Zagroda" (Farm Inn) attached to the open-air museum "Western Małopolska Museum of Biłgoraj" for a late lunch. This is an outdoor complex that communicates the local culture, with nearly 30 traditional wooden buildings spread over a 5-hectare site where various traditional arts and cultural programs are conducted.

The restaurant was also a traditional wooden building of the region. The walls were made by stacking thick logs horizontally like pillars, and the gaps were filled by wrapping thick ropes. Inside, it was dimly lit as expected from a log construction, but there were numerous rustic wooden carved angel statues hanging on the walls, the curtains were floral, and colorful fresh flowers hung from the ceiling. It seemed to be celebrating Poland's short summer in a colorful way. A folk mazurka was playing as background music.

When we sat down, retired Colonel Chris ordered herring tartar "Tatar Ze Sledzia", sour cabbage and bacon soup "Kapuśniak", and Polish large dumplings "Pierogi".

The aloof waitress first brought the Tatar Ze Sledzia. This was a large herring fillet pickled in a sweet and sour marinade, truly rustic and spiced with allspice. The balsamic vinegar sauce, which has become a global trend in recent years, was also something I saw several times in Poland.

Next was Kapuśniak. This is an extremely delicious soup with a double broth effect from the sourness of the sauerkraut and the smoky chunk bacon. It's similar to the pickle cucumber soup "Zupa Ogórkowa" I introduced before in that it's a sour soup, but this one has chunk bacon in it, so it feels more like a main dish. Poland is indeed a soup nation.

And then, the Pierogi, which is a favorite food of the Polish people. It's made by wrapping grated potatoes and cheese in wheat dough, boiling it once, and then coating it in finely chopped onions fried in butter, and you can add sour cream to taste. It's delicious, but the dough is thick like Tochigi's famous white dumplings, and the filling is also potatoes, so it's a combination of carbohydrates & carbohydrates. There were eight such Pierogi on one plate. I was satisfied with 1-2 pieces, but retired Colonel Chris ordered two plates of this dish for some reason! Of course, we couldn't finish them all.

Ukrainian Borscht in the Hangover morning

That late night, a klezmer music session competition was held at the live house "Alchemia" in Kazimierz. Centered around the Israeli band Malox, musicians like Frank London and Jeremiah Lockwood from America gathered and celebrated with klezmer music until after midnight, turning the underground venue into a state of oxygen deficiency like a punk rock live performance.

I returned to my accommodation past midnight and naturally woke up with a hangover the next morning... Regrettably, I had to skip the breakfast at the inn, and after getting myself together in the sauna in the basement of the inn, I finally started to feel a little hungry around noon. As I strolled around the back alleys of Kazimierz, I found a small Ukrainian restaurant, "Kuchnia Ukrainska" (Ukrainian Kitchen), with colorful illustrations painted on the walls.

It seemed newly opened and when I entered the dimly lit shop, there was only one round table in the left back of the small, approximately 6-tatami-sized space where 4-5 people could sit. The right side was a bar counter where a Ukrainian woman was sitting. They seemed to be using the place as it was, without renovating the original bar. The walls were adorned with messages of support for Ukraine, as well as articles about a Japanese organization providing aid to Ukraine. The woman might possibly be a refugee who had fled to Poland due to Russia's recent invasion of Ukraine. Krakow is only a mere 300 kilometers away from Lviv, a city in the western part of Ukraine.

Since soup is ideal for a hangover, I ordered borscht. The price was 10 zlotys (about 330 yen), which was about half of other restaurants. Then the woman retreated to the back, and I could hear the sound of the gas stove being lit. After a while, she brought me borscht in a takeaway paper cup. It felt just like having a pork soup at a festival food stall in Japan.

As soon as I put the soup in my mouth with a spoon, it was so hot that it burnt the inside of my mouth. However, the taste was gentle. The vegetable soup, which used grated beets, carrots, onions, and a small amount of beef, was not as hearty as pork soup, so it was closer to a kind of Japanese soup called "Kenchinjiru". After a series of heavy meals for several days, the simple, homely taste was comforting. I enjoyed the taste while cooling it down by blowing on it.
