
it’s midnight

My mind was backing to my past while I was taking a shower.
When I was in junior high, a teacher called me “Miss perfection”(完璧女)
Because I was good at study and exams.
But I really didn’t like it every time he called me that way.
Honestly I hated it.
That was freaking annoying.
There’s some reasons.
First, don’t assume me as a girl just because I look like a girl and wear girl’s school uniform.
Don’t use “Miss” as my pronouns just by your opinion.
Second, that made me think “I have to do everything perfectly. I must do everything perfectly”
I was so scared about how people see me when I made a mistake or do something wrong like I couldn’t answer a question.
One time I didn’t know the answer to a question and I said “I’m not sure, sir” to my teacher. then he was like “see everyone, she(me) doesn’t understand this easy question!”
That felt so embarrassing and discouraging for me.
You made me feel a lot of pressure so I thought I wasn’t perfect at all.

But few years has passed, now I realized I am perfect just the way I am.
I don’t need to be afraid of others’ criticism.
I don’t care what people call me.
I still hate that pronouns “Miss perfection” tho.

At that time I didn’t know that there is many other ways to live this life besides doing so hard for my study and exams results.
But now I know this world is so big and I can find my way!

I wanna tell young me -who was called “Miss perfection”- that you’re perfect even if you ever feel you are not.
You’re doing awesome than you think.

Thank you for reading. Luenna
