

The other day, when Shibuya was in a riot and have wreak havoc on controlling people who dress-up in disguise, I was taking part in an event that one famous English newspaper's director telling us what to do and how to do when reading such materials.

I initially thought that newspapers written in English are kind of cheesy since it's targeting Japanese English learners. However, it covers any kind of stuff that we can enjoy and feel fulfillment in common.

In this page, I would like to share some information.

Here's some pros for reading it. (mainly pointed for Mainichi weekly)

• readers are able to read script without dictionary, it contributes spending less time for learning English.

• with voice-reading function, readers improve listening skill.

• 5-6000 words included in one volume
so that readers received enough information and enough amount of sentences for reading practices.

•non-subscribers can also use website.

Let’s Try: make headline!

I show an article so try to make appropriate headline!!

Japan ( ) make ( ) for ( ) shopping bags mandatory.

Q) The government has decided to make it mandatory for retail shops to charge for plastic shopping bags to reduce waste. The new policy will likely be written into the Act on the Promotion if Sorted Collection and Recycling of Containers and Packaging. (continued)

If you could find it out, please reply to me on Twitter!! (@Ynglish1)

I believe reading a lot is going to be foundation for any languages, so I strongly recommend these kinds of services.

#英語学習 #TOEIC #英語教育 #獨協大学 #英字新聞 #英語 #新聞 #毎日新聞 #毎日ウィークリー #編集長

外資系専門商社でBtoB, BtoG営業をしています。さまざまな社会問題や身の回りに起きた出来事を発信しています。「新しいモノ・コトで人々の生活を豊かにする」