なんちゃってData Scientist。 Yoga Alliance YRT 200…


なんちゃってData Scientist。 Yoga Alliance YRT 200 in 2013取得。 Curator in 2010 取得。 最近の日々:農家ボランティア、文化財保護・保存のボランティア、アニソンをピアノで弾くこと。ほへ~っと生きてます。


Edible Garden Diary - End of Holiday Week

The long holiday is over. The consecutive sunny days are said to be over. Golden Weekは終わります。連続のお天気も中断する予報となっています。 I weeded the small earth today. I found a new weed today. Not autumn leaves, are they? What is it? なので、今日も雑草取り。紫蘇がいつもはえてくるエリア

    • Edible Garden Diary - A little by little...

      The firsts fruits of snap pea, egg plant and cherry tomato are growing. スナップエンドウ、茄子、プチトマトの一番果がなっていました。 As the company was on holiday, I put up some tegus thread to protect the tomato fruits from crows. I also put up a net for the bitter go

      • Edible Garden Diary - Weeding

        I found blueberry trees started to bear fruits. And I also found Japanese onion sprouts are still alive. ブルーベリー、実がなってきてました。あと、忘れていた長ネギの芽、ローズマリーの下にこっそり植え替えてたのですが、がまだ生きてました。水やりの時意識しないと This season, I tend to look down for weeding. But many t

        • Edible Garden Diary - Summer Vegetables

          I was supposed to go to Farmers Support today, but it was raining so I didn't go. 今日は雨だったので、農家支援には行けませんでした。 I purchased petite tomato, egg plant, and bitter gourd sprouts in the afternoon, and planted them in my garden. This time I put hum

        Edible Garden Diary - End of Holiday Week

          Edible Garden Diary - Rainy Days

          It has been raining, which usually makes me happy because I could skip watering. 雨が続いていて、本来なら水やりをサボることが出来るのでうれしいです。 However, I have a task of removing aphids on fava beans during this season. だけど、この季節は、毎年空豆の実についたアブラムシを取り除く仕事がありまして….。朝は外に出

          Edible Garden Diary - Rainy Days

          Edible Garden Diary - Late Spring

          Flowers opened all at once. 花が一斉に咲き始めました Many germinated when I forgot about them. いろいろ忘れた頃に発芽してきました The fava beans had so many aphids that I took them off with adhesive tape and washed them with water from a water pod. 空豆はアブラムシだらけになっていたの

          Edible Garden Diary - Late Spring

          Edible Garden Diary - Pruning Fava Beans

          Ajuga is in full bloom. アジュガは満開になりました。 Longicaulis seems to start to bloom.started to bloom. ロンギカウリスも咲き始めたようです。我が家の二つのグランドカバーです。 I have looked for the shower top of watering pot for three days ago, so vegetable leaves might get some damag

          Edible Garden Diary - Pruning Fava Beans

          Edible Garden Diary - Preparing for Summer Vegetables

          There is no area to plant summer vegetables. I used to throw away raw vegetables for small area and it is for summer vegetables. However the speed of fermentation was very slow and the area got riddled with insects. So I have to wait a litt

          Edible Garden Diary - Preparing for Summer Vegetables

          Farmer's Support Vol 10. 2024

          Sowing maize seeds as planned last week. 先週の予定通りトウモロコシを蒔きました。 We placed three seeds for each hole of the mulching sheets. We filled seeds to the first joint of the index finger, i.e. roughly 1-2 cm depth. マルチングシートの1つの穴に3つずつ撒きます。第一関節の深さに種を植

          Farmer's Support Vol 10. 2024

          Edible Garden Diary - Mint

          I don't come up with any way to use mint leaves. ミントの葉の使い方があんまり浮かばないのですが…. I dipped lemons, mint and raisins in old, sour white wine - like Sangria. It tasted okay. Lemon and mint might not be a good combination. 古くなって酸味が強くなった白ワインにレモンとミントと

          Edible Garden Diary - Mint

          Edible Garden Diary - Manganji-Pepper

          Manganji pepper seedlings were purchased again this year. I have probably grown either shishito or Manganji pepper every year for more than five years. They are very easy to grow. 万願寺トウガラシの苗を今年も植えました。おそらく5年以上。毎年万願寺トウガラシか獅子唐を植えています。とても育てやすいで

          Edible Garden Diary - Manganji-Pepper

          Farmer's Support Vol 9. 2024

          Today, I made ridges for a public lecture. We are going to sow maize seeds. 今日は、市民講座のための畝を作りました。トウモロコシの種を植える予定。 We spread cattle manure and a fertiliser called 8-8-8-8 over the entire area. 牛糞たい肥と8-8-8を全体に撒きます。 Once ploughed, the rows ar

          Farmer's Support Vol 9. 2024

          Edible Garden Diary - Herbs

          Harvest Japanese wormwood and mint. ヨモギとミントを収穫。 I don't cook much meat or fish and can't come up any use for herbs, but I made a mint salad. 肉と魚をほぼ調理しない私は、ハーブの使い道をなかなか思いつかないのですが、ミントサラダにしてみました。ヨモギはさっとゆでて細かく切り、納豆の中に混ぜ込みました。 I have been doin

          Edible Garden Diary - Herbs

          Edible Garden Diary - End of Experiment

          I found a lot of side buds on it, but pulled it out ruthlessly. ブロッコリーの実験終わり。今日、ヘッダーの写真の通り、ブロッコリの脇目を摘み、まだまだ小さなかわいらしいわき目もありましたが、無慈悲に抜き去りました。 Today's lunch menu includes soup with broccoli and prawn dumplings and boiled rape blossoms. 今日は、家族

          Edible Garden Diary - End of Experiment

          Farmer's Support Vol 8. 2024

          It was hot today. Temperatures suddenly exceeded 20 degrees Celsius. 暖かいを超えて暑い日でしたね。20度を超えてきました。 I found sprout of the Japanese angelica trees. The person planted these trees warned other members to never take the buds this.year as keeping

          Farmer's Support Vol 8. 2024

          Book Review - 21 Lessons for the 21st Century

          Finally completed reading the book in English. When I was reading 'Sapiens', I wasn't sure if I could call it as study of history. It was very interesting, but I didn't know how to verify it. But, now I realized it is a kind of philosophy

          Book Review - 21 Lessons for the 21st Century