
Internship@Newark Trust for Education 4 -データで微細な変化に気づくシステム作りに向けて-

Last post about my internship at Newark Trust!

(最初の記事はこちら↓ First post below)

In previous posts I detailed some of the projects I was engaged in. Today's post is about the three remaining projects.

①Community School Initiative

②Parent survey

③School performance

④Analysis of school budget and grants


I downloaded data about schools of our interest, then converted the pdf into excel, then compiled main information so that we can see trends with respect to enrollment for all schools at a glance. For example, I could easily see that some school's budget declined by almost 30% although enrollment stayed almost the same, which is kind of concerning.



Also, I used the inner system to pull out data about how much grants each schools are receiving and who are the grantmakers/program providers. I wondered if this info was helpful so asked the CEO, and he said that this is very instrumental as he could make appointments with grantmakers whom we don't have contact now but previously provided financial aid to our schools.

⑤Student data system

今後、学校関係者が生徒に関するデータを一元的に集約し、閲覧するためのStudent data systemの構築を考えているとのことで、他の地域で参考になる事例を集めました。

They are now thinking of constructing a student data system (platform) where stakeholers can see necessary student information at a glance, so I collected good practices in other districts.

以下が主な発見です。Below are my main findings.

・NAZ Connect(Minneapolis)

とてもPersonalizedされているプラットフォームで、家族が個別にAchievement Planを入力し、providerがそれをみながら適切なサービスとマッチングさせ、状況を適宜更新します。
This platform is very personalized, as each family is supposed to draft Achievement Plan for their child and then service providers match their specific need to existing programs.


こちらはattendance, grade, assessment data, incident, referral等の生徒についての幅広い情報が一元的に管理されるプラットフォーム。
This is a platform where such information as attendance, grade, assessment data, incident, referral would be marshalled and presented together.

・Rhode Island HUB

Economy, education, health and justiceに関する連邦、州、地方政府のデータを集約したプラットフォームです。
Also a platform where a variety of data from economy, education, health to justice are collected from the federal, state and municipal government.


・Camden ARISE

これは学校ではないのですが、health careに関するサービスを一元化したシステムとして参考になりそうなもの。
Although not about education, this serves as a platform for health care service providers.

特に最初のNAZ connectは生徒そして保護者のニーズに立脚していることからとても先進的で良い事例だと個人的にも思いました。プライバシーもしっかりと考慮しつつ、こういった取組がもっと広がっていけば関係者間の情報共有がより効率的かつ良質なものになるのではと期待しています。

Among them NAZ conncet is actually by far my favorite as this really is rooted in needs on the family side. While taking student privacy into account, this type of student data platform I hope will become a lever for efficient and high-quality information sharing.

⑥School based health centers

実は市の主催するstudent healthに関する小委員会に出席した際にCommunity School、特にon-siteのhealth centerを活用しているについて優良事例について私から言及したところ、是非情報共有してほしいという依頼をもらったため、school based health centersに関する文献を色々まとめてペーパーにしました。

学校が夏休み期間なので校長先生たちと話す機会はなかったのですが、色々なfunderやservice providerの方達と交流する機会があったのは非常に良かったです。
また第一印象としては、health careの方はその視点から学校を見ているのですが、例えばdata systemを構築する場合はもっと多面的(academic performanceはもちろん、safety, after-schoolなど)な視野から考える必要があり、そうしないと生徒や保護者にとって断片的なサービスになってしまうと思いました。

When I attended the health subcommittee of the Children's Cabinet at the Mayor's Office, I introduced some good practices of Community Schools as it related to on-site health care centers, and then was asked to share this information. So I conducted a literature review on school based health centers and wrote a concise paper.

Although I didn't have opportunities to talk with school principals, I was fortunate to have a dialogue with various funders and service providers. Also, I felt that we should craft student data system from the perspective of schools and families ultimately as different providers' needs might be fragmented.

⑦End of my internship




And yes, my internship over the course of some seven weeks is finally over. They kindly gave me a message card at the farewell lunch. Although kind of understaffed (only 4 people excluding me), they trusted me so much as to assign more projects than were initially planned, which was also a great opportunity to me. I'll never forget this invaluable experience and utilize what I learned here for the next chapter in my life!!

with my team!

