
Spring 2017 course 3 - Quantitative Analysis 2 -

This time I'll explain my third Spring course, Quantitative Analysis 2!

この量的分析というか統計の授業、先学期取ったQuantitative Analysisの発展版になっています。
This course is an advanced one based on Quantitative Analysis which I took last semester.

1. 授業構成

The table of contents is as follows (according to the syllabus).

・Model Specification 1 : Including the Right Variables(影響のある変数を全て考慮して入れているか?)
・Model Specification 2 : Functional Form(linear relationshipか、quadraticあるいはinteractionが必要か?)
・Models with Dichotomous Dependent Variables(確率モデル)
・Topics in Times Series : Serial Correlation(GDPの年変化みたいな時間軸で図るデータ)
・Topics in Pooled Cross-Sectional and Panel Data(Panel Dataとは、同じ対象の人達に2回以上の異なる時間軸で取ったデータのこと)
・Class Presentation


Here we analysize potential challenges that we might be faced when doing a research. Using a sofware called STATA, we tried on various strategies to realize Correct Specification which will make our results unbiased. This course is heavily practical and would be pretty helpful for reading and conducting research.

2. 評価

そして、グレードの内訳は以下のとおり。This is the component of grading.

・midterm exam (35%)
・homework assignments (30%)
・final projext report/in-class presentation (30%)
・peer- and self-evaluation (5%)



In addition to weekly assignments, we have a midterm exam and group presentation/paper instead of final.
This group project is to devise own research design, analyze data using actual datasets, and assess Hypotheses. We are expected to apply strategies that we learned in class to this project.

私のグループは、教育(特にhigher education)と社会資本(social capital)が個人の賃金に与える影響について、アメリカのデータを使って分析をしています。個人レベルのデータセットがSTATAでそのまま使えるようにファイルがインターネットにあるため、大変助かりました。・・・ただ、変数を解読したりするのが中々大変です。。
My group is focusing on the effect of education and social capital on wage, using CPS data. What's amazing is that we can downaload the dataset in STATA file, but it was hard to figure out what each variable stands for.

3. 特色


Although I studied stat in my undergrad, this course is far more informative and practical, partly because we are always using actual data to learn the concepts.

プレゼンは先週終わり、あとは3日後までに19~22頁のFinal Paperを出すだけなのでラストスパートを頑張りたいと思います・・・!
We made a presentation last week and will submit 19-22 page final paper due Wednesday. Almost there!
