
#90 富裕層に共通している税金との付き合い方







I hope you enjoyed reading this book.

As a wealth management tax accountant, I have supported numerous wealthy individuals throughout my career. Based on these experiences, let me share some common approaches to taxation employed by wealthy individuals.

Wealthy individuals are always grappling with tax concerns. As previously mentioned in this book, Japanese tax system is becoming more and more challenging for the wealthy, so it makes sense to want to put in the additional effort necessary to protect assets.

I've always been impressed about how the wealthy individuals I have dealt with over the years consciously maintain an attitude of "abiding by the law" when seeking ways to reduce their tax burden. They steadfastly focus on legitimate, proven tax-saving measures.

I imagine the reason for this is not only concerns over potential issues with tax authorities but also the desire to avoid the risk of damaging their reputations among their various stakeholders.

Reputation is vital for everyone, but it is particularly important for wealthy individuals who are striving to build and maintain their credibility and integrity. Being identified by tax authorities as an individual who has engaged in tax evasion and having that broadcasted across the media would in most cases cause irreparable damage to a wealthy individual, and, in some cases, prove fatal. As a result, wealthy individuals give a wide birth to any “easy options” when considering and executing their tax-saving strategies.

To be sure, tax laws are incredibly complex, and for wealthy individuals actively engaged in cross-border transactions, it can be time-consuming and confusing trying to navigate through these laws alone. Accordingly, they seek to collaborate with accomplished professionals when necessary. For tax matters, they engage with tax accountants specializing in cross-border taxation. For legal issues, they consult with lawyers who have a deep understanding of cross-border law.

Tax laws continue to evolve and the pace of change is accelerating. Previously legitimate tax-saving strategies can suddenly become invalid over night. New strategies can emerge to take their place. Wealthy individuals stay abreast of these changes through engagement with their experts, adopting their knowledge and expertise and adapting it to their own businesses and asset management strategies.

Recently, the term "financial well-being" has become popular. I prefer to call it "economic happiness." For mine, economic happiness represents not just being financially secure but also having significant degrees of "freedom of choice".

In this book, I've discussed the critical situation facing Japan as well as various approaches to asset management that utilize Swiss Private Banking. I have dealt with how tax treatment approaches can work to overcome challenges. I sincerely hope that the information I have offered will, in some small way, help to expand your freedom of choice and lead to greater economic happiness. Thank you.
