日本企業への提言。表面的な技術・学問だけを評価するな。 Rethinking Human Capital: The Crucial Role of Humanities and Social Sciences in Japanese Corporations




Rethinking Human Capital: The Crucial Role of Humanities and Social Sciences in Japanese Corporations


For decades, Japanese corporations have prioritized STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields as the cornerstone of their success. This focus has undeniably propelled Japan's economic growth, fostering innovation and technological advancements. However, the global economy is undergoing a rapid transformation, presenting new challenges and opportunities that require a broader skillset beyond STEM. In this evolving landscape, Japanese companies must embrace the vital role of humanities and social sciences (HSS) in shaping a well-rounded and future-proof workforce.

The Shifting Landscape of the Global Economy

The global economy is increasingly characterized by complexity, uncertainty, and interconnectedness. Businesses today face multifaceted challenges such as globalization, technological disruption, and evolving customer demands. Addressing these challenges requires a workforce equipped with not only technical expertise but also critical thinking, creativity, empathy, and intercultural competence. These are precisely the skills cultivated through the study of humanities and social sciences.

HSS: The Catalyst for Human-Centered Innovation

HSS disciplines, encompassing history, literature, philosophy, psychology, and sociology, offer a deep understanding of human behavior, societal dynamics, and cultural nuances. By fostering these insights, HSS empower individuals to think critically, analyze complex problems, and develop innovative solutions that are both effective and ethically sound. In a world where technology is rapidly evolving, it is the human touch and understanding that will ultimately differentiate successful businesses from the rest.

Examples of Western Companies Embracing HSS

Many Western companies have already recognized the importance of HSS and have integrated them into their talent development strategies. For instance, Google provides its employees with various programs and resources to develop HSS skills, such as courses on critical thinking, creativity, and cultural awareness. Similarly, Unilever has a long-standing commitment to HSS, supporting initiatives such as the Unilever Global Dialogue on the Future of Humanity and the Unilever Institute for Sustainable Living. These companies recognize that investing in HSS is an investment in their future success.

Recommendations for Japanese Corporations

To remain competitive in the global economy, Japanese corporations must follow suit and embrace HSS as an integral part of their talent strategy. Here are some specific recommendations:

  • Cultivating HSS Skills: Offer employees opportunities to develop their HSS skills through courses, workshops, and seminars. This can be done in-house or in partnership with universities and other educational institutions.

  • Encouraging HSS Education: Provide financial assistance or tuition reimbursement for employees pursuing HSS degrees and certifications. This demonstrates the company's commitment to well-rounded development and encourages employees to invest in their own growth.

  • Creating an HSS-Valuing Culture: Recognize and reward employees who demonstrate HSS skills in their work. This can be done through performance reviews, promotions, and awards. By fostering a culture that values HSS, companies can encourage employees to leverage these skills and contribute to the overall success of the organization.


By embracing HSS, Japanese corporations can unlock a new dimension of human capital, empowering their employees with the skills and knowledge necessary to navigate the complexities of the global economy. This strategic shift will not only foster innovation and drive business growth but also contribute to the betterment of society as a whole. It is time for Japanese companies to redefine their concept of talent and recognize the transformative potential of HSS in shaping a thriving future.
