





“Somebody help!” と叫んだ事を鮮明に覚えています。


“ Asian women come to the states to harrass white men. “




“You did it by yourself.”




大好きな映画Good Will Huntingに出てくる主人公Willからとった名前でした。

“It’s not your fault.” 「君のせいじゃないよ。」










Last month, my beloved dachshund, Willy, who was Jasmine's big brother, crossed the Rainbow Bridge.It happened so suddenly that I still can't believe it. I was afraid that by putting it into words, it might become a reality, so I couldn't bring myself to express it for a while.

I met Willy about 18 years ago. At that time, I was studying in the United States, and I had temporarily suspended my studies and returned home. It was due to a certain incident I experienced in America.

It was during a fight (quarrel) with an acquaintance that things escalated. After being subjected to violence, he grabbed my hair, lifted me up, and kicked my stomach forcefully, causing me to fall from the second floor of the apartment to the ground. I then woke up in a hospital bed.

"I vividly remember shouting, 'Somebody help!'
A white sheriff came to the hospital for questioning. I was astonished by what he said after the interrogation:

'Asian women come to the states to harass white men.'

In that moment, my belief that the police would support you if you were in danger shattered. Of course, the sheriff was a white man himself.

Subsequently, my acquaintance and I had to go to court. Since I couldn't speak English well at the time, I went to court with a lawyer.
I submitted photos of multiple bruises and scars on my body and a diagnosis from a doctor.

However, the judge said:
'You did it by yourself.'

I couldn't believe my ears. The area I lived in had many Mexican immigrants and undocumented residents. I had heard that crimes occurred there daily, and people of color often faced racisim. The judge, needless to say, was also a white man.

Being a victim of violence was already a harrowing experience, but I remember how the attitudes of the sheriff and the judge pushed me to the depths of fear. That was the moment I came to despise the United States.

Returning to Japan, I developed symptoms of PTSD, and my mother got a dachshund, Willy to cheer me up.

I named the dog Willy. I took the name from the beloved character Will in the movie 'Good Will Hunting.'

In the movie, Will had suffered severe abuse from his parents when he was growing up. He met a psychologist and was told repeatedly:

'It's not your fault.'

I felt like the puppy Willy was saying the same to me: 'It's not your fault.'
Spending time with Willy healed my heart filled with anger and sadness.

I had nightmares everyday and cried myself to sleep every night. Willy's presence brought a ray of hope into my dark world.

"I won't go back to the states ever again." That's what I had decided.

However, my heart underwent a change.If I gave up my dreams because of the painful experiences, I would be controlled by that event for the rest of my life. I decided to give it another try.

Instead of the mainland, I moved to Hawaii to continue my studies as an international student. Without Willy, I think I would never have set foot on American soil again.

Willy saved me in the crisis of my life and also saved my family in another crisis. I will write about that story later.

Willy, thank you for protecting my heart.
Thank you for protecting my mother.
Thank you for protecting my father.
You are such a kind and gentle boy.
I'm really glad I met you.
You will live on in our hearts forever."

Willy was 18 years and 11 months old.
