

PBS NewsHour May 22, 2023

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[00:00] 今日の番組内容

[02:36] 今日の主要ニュース

[07:20] バイデン政権とカリフォルニア、アリゾナ、ネバダ州がコロラド川からの取水制限で合意 主要利害関係者に連邦政府が10億ドル支払い コロラド公共ラジオKUNC記者Luke Runyonに聞く 合意は短期的なもので根本的解決ではない 今年の冬の大雪は役に立ったか 結局、水の需要を減らすしかない

[09:38] WILLIAM BRANGHAM: I know that the federal government had earlier asked these states and others to come up with a broader sort of meta agreement over how to apportion the river [** meta = transcending, encompassing; pertaining to a level above or beyond; より包括的な、上位の] .  This is not that deal, correct?

[12:32]★今日のおすすめ★ ウクライナ戦争 バフムート(Bakhmut)陥落か ロシアのベルゴロド(Belgorod)では反プーチン派ロシア人グループ(Liberty of Russia Legion)がウクライナから入りベルゴロドを「解放」したと主張 専門家(RAND CorporationのDara Massicot)に状況を聞く

[17:44] DARA MASSICOT: The Russians have paid a heavy price for a counteroffensive for not much gains. It comes from the way that they're fighting this war. And, in some places, they're using storm troops [* = 突撃隊 ] , more human wave-style assaults
https://www.historicalindex.org/what-is-a-human-wave-attack.htm ] on Ukrainian positions.

[18:56] It looks like, from Twitter, that -- Russian Telegram, that they managed to steal a vehicle from the Russian border guards. So this is a very embarrassing situation for Russia. They're trying to spin [** = to present, describe, or interpret, or to introduce a bias or slant, so as to give something a favorable or advantageous appearance; なんらかの思惑があって、事実を都合よく解釈したり、歪曲したり、論点をすり替えたりして、もっともらしいことを言う ] their way out of it right now, claiming that this is Ukrainian diversionary tactics [* = 陽動作戦 ] for losing Bakhmut.

[20:20] デフォルトは回避できるか 債務上限引き上げを巡るギリギリの交渉 


[25:15] Tim Scott上院議員(サウスカロライナ州選出、共和党)大統領出馬表明

[26:44] LISA DESJARDINS: He is a stern critic of government programs for the poor. Scott's approach instead is tax incentives called Opportunity Zones [** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opportunity_zone ] for businesses to invest in low-income areas.

[28:13] LISA DESJARDINS: Scott's campaigning focuses on personal retail politics [** the political strategy of engaging with small groups of individuals in face-to-face interactions. (wiktionary)  逆のやり方がwholesale politics https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Retail_politics ]

[28:55]★今日のおすすめ★ 月曜恒例:2人の政治アナリストと今週の動きを占う

[30:55] Meanwhile, the two front-runners are Donald Trump and someone who hasn't even declared yet, Ron DeSantis, but two white men who are really leveraging these grievance politics
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Politics_of_resentment ]

[31:13] He is running as sort of anti-woke [** woke = aware of social justice issues; (in some cases) holding progressive views or attitudes. see also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woke ] , but in a different way than Ron DeSantis.

[32:56] The Senate map is really interesting for Democrats. I mean, they're playing a lot of defense. They have more seats up than Republicans[** = (2024年に)上院は民主党の方が共和党より改選議席が多い] . And so any time you hear about a retirement, if you're a Democrat, you kind of cringe, like, uh-oh, what is this going to mean for us? But I think there's a difference between seats that are open [** < open seat =現職が引退などのために立候補しない議席 ] that provide an opportunity for Democrats, Democratic candidates who have been underrepresented in the Senate, and then there are the open seats that cause panic and cause problems for the Democratic Party. This is an opportunity seat.

[35:44] At the same time, it does feel as if both sides are telling us, we have the elements in place for a deal, and it's going to be a deal. And both sides are trying to figure out how they massage [** = to manipulate (data, a document etc.) to make it more presentable ] it to their base, because you have, on the left, progressives saying, we're giving too much away, especially on issues like work requirements, and on the right saying, we're not doing enough to control spending.

[36:51] 在宅ケアを待つ多くの障がい者 オクラホマ州からJudy Woodruffがリポート 


[47:24] 実写版『リトル・マーメイド(The Little Mermaid)』 アフリカ系女優起用に反発も

■ おすすめの辞書(時事英語やニュース英語に強い辞書)

■ 英語のラジオを聞く(BGM代わりにCNNやBBC)

■ 英語のテレビを見る(NBC News ABC News




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