






Oden(Japanese Pot-au-feu/Yong Tau Foo kind of a stew) was so delicious by the evening, all ingredients soaked in dashi flavor very well🍢
It tastes so well with Asian mustard (Karashi) !

I had niku-miso (minced pork miso dip) as well- super super quick recipe to follow😇

Oden Tips Continued from yesterday💡
Oden is a super simple dish, with basics of Japanese cooking.

💡It's always important, that Dashi broth should be served clear for finer simmered dish, like oden. i.e.- you should parboil the ingredients in separate pot & better not be cooked on strong heat / with lid on - to avoid ingredients such as daikon / potato falling apart while boiling (and broth will be cloudy).

💡Fish cakes should not be simmered for too long- as their texture becomes more fluffy and their chewiness will be gone.

💡On the other hand, veggies should be simmered for much longer- to let dashi flavor soak in. It's when you remove the pot from heat, that flavors sink in. Better to take intervals

Super quick recipe for Niku-miso/肉味噌(pork miso sauce)🫕✨

  1. Stir fry minced pork, add mixed miso sauce (miso & sugar & ginger juice(& sake & mirin*optional)), until sauce thickens. Add sesame if you like.

  2. Decorate with Negi (Japanese leek). Yum!!!

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