Wagner group takes over key military sites in Russia ロシア 20230624

#YevgenyPrigozhin #Wagner #Mercenary #RostovOnDon #Russia #Moscow #Kremlin #VladimirPutin #Putin #Ukraine

Wagner group takes over key military sites in Russia | DW News - YouTube
Jun 24, 2023 #Russia #WagnerGroup #Putin
Security is being ramped up in Russian cities amid reports of an armed rebellion. The head of the Wagner mercenary group, Yevgeny Prigozhin, has rallied his troops and reportedly returned to Russia.
He claims to have taken control of key military sites in the southern city of Rostov on Don - including the region's military headquarters. Russia's president is expected to address the nation soon.
Authorities in the Russian capital Moscow have declared a counterterrorism state of emergency. The Kremlin is urging fighters in the Wagner group to abandon their leader.

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