
Disillusioned by Humanity


『虐待児の詩』 青い鳥の記憶

Day 830 [Ukraine War Map] US-provided HIMARS quickly attacked Russian territory, with great effect!

Day 816 [Ukraine War Map] Buryaxh - Russia Screams! Ukrainian Army equipped well and repel Russian one after another.

【目印を見つけるノート】1497. オーロラの日に丘の木を見る


1018: U2 / Two Hearts Beat As One


Day 811 [Ukraine War Map] Ukrainian Long-Range Drone Hits Putin | 1400+ Russian Troops neutralized

Day 829 [Ukraine War Map] Crimean chaos! The Legendary weapon of Ukraine Hits key Russian base.

Day 817 [Ukraine War Map] Largest Drone Attack in Russia! Ships, Planes, Oil, Destroyed

Day 801 [Ukraine War Map] China and Turkey betrayed Putin: "We are not interested in Russia!"

Day 812 [Ukraine War Map] Collapse of Russia: 1,500 soldiers lost. Next move is exposed by the UAF

Day 797 [Ukraine War Map] Russia's BIGGEST Loss but Small Advance.

Day 764 [Ukraine War Map] Russia's Fraud Occupying / Latest Missile to Be "Incompetent"


Exclusive: Tucker Carlson Interviews Vladimir Putin

Day 831 [Ukraine War Map] Russia's Forces Cannot Advance”! with wire mesh motorcycle, too clunky!

Day 780 [Ukraine War Map] Russian ground forces to be defeated in a month's time, Military Survey

Day 815 [Ukraine War Map] Putin's Visit to China:"Zero Results" and "Humiliation of Belonging Country"

年齢制限のあるもの ないもの

Day 833 [Ukraine War Map] Russia's Scooter Assult Deployed! Self-Destruction in All Direction!