
一流営業マンのクロージングとは!?-What is the closing of a top salesman? ?-


Everyone, good evening. This time, I would like to introduce some excerpts from ``First-rate, second-rate, and third-rate sales'' about the closings of top-class salespeople. By the way, in the previous article, I introduced the persuasion techniques of top salespeople in their presentations. If you'd like, please take a look at those articles as well.


"The third-rate person says, ``I'll be waiting for you,'' the second-rate person says, ``I'll get back to you,'' and the first-rate person asks, ``Do you have any concerns?'' There are many salespeople who are not good at closing, and there are many who leave without closing, saying ``I'll be waiting for you'' or ``I'll get back to you.'' When you become a customer, you realize that you can feel frustrated if the closing is not completed. Why?"


"This is nothing but "because I want to say NO." Therefore, a professional salesperson always closes the sale and actively elicits a "NO" answer. Closing is a "service that confirms intentions." That's why it's so important to not let even the slightest concerns go unnoticed. Here, just ask, ``Do you have any concerns?'' Never running away from the closing is part of the hospitality of sales."


What did you all think? When you're in business, you may feel anxious about what to do if you get rejected. However, it is important when you think about whether it is truly beneficial for the other person. Please actively ask questions and try to get the customer's "NO" out. I hope this article is of some use to you. See you soon. thank you very much.





